CHAPTER 3: Competition For Higher Level

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"That was amazing!" I exclaimed at the performance he showed us.Shang Xuyin, I will make you a prodigy.

I still don't know which novel this is...

"Uh, thank you Ma'am" he seems shy so i went to his front and I noticed that he was only at the height of my chest. I pated his head and saw his ears red as he was looking down. I chuckled and went back to where my spot is with the other clan leaders.

"Now that I think of it, all of you should be able to do the Xunix method just as smooth as Xuyin did" I said in a strict voice. Everyone looked at Xuyin like how did he manage to do it so easily.

They all nodded and first a woman came. A pink haired one. And she tries and she succeeded. I smiled and complimented her. "That is how you do it."

She smiles and happily went back to her spot and I noticed that she is the only oddball in the class. I think she is a heroine or villainess. I don't care as long as she doesn't stand in the way of my cutie boy, Xuyin.

A long 2 hours passed and the class of mine is over and they will be studying at the time of another clan leader.

I went and talked with Xuyin and he was really small compared to me. And he was only 23. And I'm 25.
2 years difference but I'm a clan leader and he was a heir to his family clan Shang. So he would be a clan leader like us five.

Can't wait when he would be like me.

"Uh.. Ma'am why did you ask for my presence?"asked Xuyin and I only smiled." I was amazed on how you did my method of fighting so I will make you my student. "and poked his nose tip. He touched his nose and looked aside." But may I know your reason ma'am?"he added a question.

" As I said you made me amazed, that is the reason. So come on we will buy you a treat at the market. Come on let's go?"he didn't respond but followed me to the market.

While looking at many more I saw a sword. I quickly bought it and stored it my space, while he was eating. I was happy when I knew he enjoyed it.

While we roam around I saw many food stalls at the side. And many more on every side. First we went and bought some snacks.

" After this, Shang Xuyin. You are my Student now "I said and held his hand. And dragged him to a stalk that I saw has candies in it.

" Ma'am, may I ask when Is the start of the training? "he said while holding a stick on his hand and I quickly responded," Oh, your training is on next week at Wednesday morning at the XUN Battleground. "

"But only the members of Rich and powerful clans can enter that place ma'am, I'm afraid I cannot enter."he said and I chuckled and answered," No.. You can enter with my permission as the Clan leader of the XUN palace. "

I dont want him to feel that sad.

" Anyway, Shang Xuyin, I will be your teacher so you should call me, your teacher. And when you ask why, because I want to."


After teaching for several weeks later, I have taught Shang Xuyin many of my fighting methods that I invented by trying to mix the fighting methods I have in my real world. And because I'm a ceo I need to know how to fight because I can die any moment. But I died because of cancer so it's useless.

At the academy's Battleground. I'm with Ming Fanshu, she is also a Clan leader. Her reputation is quite big in this world. On the contrary, she doesn't mind if her reputation is damaged because she only wanted to have fun.

"What is this battle for anyway?" I said and fanned myself. Cause its quite Sunny today. She nodded her head and looked at the students down there. Were currently at the top seat so, we can see clearly.

"Meinxu, this Battle is for the academians to know their level in fighting and you simply don't know because you didn't listen to Cha Xujen's explanation at the Academy's Meeting last Thursday." her voice is held with politeness and full of noble authority.

She treated me like I'm not the one with the second biggest Reputation here. I looked aside and she confirmed, that I really didn't listen.

" Now, now let's just watch" I said and she didn't respond but took her eyes only at the battle.

I looked at the man that came to the middle and looked at everyone to know if their attention is on him before saying his speech.

"Everyone, I will simply explain to you that this Battle's purpose is for every Academian to know their level at fighting" Cha Xujen.

All the student became curious of their self. And I saw that my only Cutie student. Shang Xuyin is relaxed because I taught him that he doesn't need to be shy in fighting as he was strong enough to fight for himself and never conceal his fears.

"There is only one rule at the Fight that will happen today. NEVER KILL YOUR OPONENT." he said those words with clenched jaw.

I flew down to the side of the of the ground and went to where Shang Xuyin is. He was sitting with the bully's that don't know he had been my student now. I saw them kick his back.

I went towards his front and tapped his shoulders for him to look at me. I think the bully's stopped while I was infront of him.

"Shang Xuyin, if you win this battle and your level is high and you are at the golden Academian level I will grant you one wish" I said while showing him my index finger. I saw that he quite became excited so I smiled and went back to my seat.

When the time he was going to fight. He went flying to my seat and said, "Teacher, if you really would grant my wish.. Don't expect anything from me." and he went back.

Ming Fanshu, gave a suspicious look and I looked at the side and focus my attention to the fight.

"It seems that you have taken him as the student you will train as a prodigy in fighting just as you should, like us."

"Yes, I did quite admire him on the first day he did my Xunix method perfectly." I responded while focusing at his fight.

He used the Xunix method and all the people have been fascinated at the method of fighting he used and in one go his opponent is unconscious. But he's not dead.

When his level have been made at the screen that shows the ones who will be at the gold Academian.

Hes level is, 98. But by far his level is not same as mine. For I am at the level of a Celestial, level 197.

A the people was amazed.

"I see you have picked the right student."


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