CHAPTER 2 :Reincarnating

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I suddenly woke up and to my surprise I didn't die. I looked around and this is not an ordinary room but a magnificent room


'God why let me die when you'll make me live in another world anyway!?'

I was startled when a knock on the round door came.
"C-Come in!"

The many women came to the room. They suddenly tried to strip my clothes but I held them and back away from


"WHAT are you doing!" I shouted and pointed at them.
They seem confused and said, "Mylady, were here to dress you up. And come to the academy now."

"What academy are you talking about?!"

She was startled and closed her eyes. She backed her steps and a maid stepped in. "Mylady, please don't be stubborn and you'll come to the 'Royal Academy' by the noon" her calm voice


Wait royal academy seems familiar..... But I think I'm too old to remember.....

"Wait who am I?" I asked and she sighed, like she was playing with my game to win. "Mylady quit your playful games and you are Xun Meinxu."

That name is familiar I think I have red it somewhere..... Of corse from a book.

I surrender and let them dress me. I let my dignity!!!
They saw my body!!!!!

Although this isn't my real body, hehe.

Then i was escorted by a handsome guards-sorry knights. They were my escorts until I come to that Royal Academy they were talking about, I think theyll make me study again.

'Arghhh!! I don't want to study again, I left school and now again I'm going to an academy?? Just what is happening?'


They took me to a........ Magic world!!!!!

I think this is where the academy is. And the handsome knight escorted me inside and I saw many people like me too.

Then we went to a big hall. There all of us are sitting to a golden chairs. While I only ate, cause the is food.

Then suddenly, a flying man came, a handsome man came flying to us and went down. I was amazed and suddenly thought.

Wait am I in a fantasy world?

Of course you are!! You are not dumb.

I was in awe and he started to tell his speech.

I think he's only his 20's. Ah! I'm blessed to be here.
All of us were sitting toward him and listening...

"All of the, Young masters and ladies who are here are the ones who are given the chance to study and enhance their powers, and to all the students from all our clans, thank you for attending to our academy. That's all, thank you"

All of us clapped and suddenly a man came close to the handsome man who only finished saying his speech a second ago, whispered something.

"Ah-Oh Everyone. We have an unexpected announcement, THE 5 POWERFUL CLAN LEADERS WILL BE YOUR TRAINERS IN THE ACADEMY"

Everyone's mouth was open and I was curious on who this Clan leaders might be and I didn't expect that announcement also.

Then he proceeded and announce the names of the Clan leaders.

"I'll announce the Clan leaders, Leaders who are called please stand."

Then suddenly I felt many stare at me and I felt comfortable. Hah! I'm a dominant woman a stare won't scare me.






I stood up and saw that, me and Ming Fanshu was the only women in the 5 powerful clan leaders


Hah! I'm excited to be one. I think I became a side character from the novel, my friend Xigu made me read, sigh what are the chances, right?

All of us went in front and all the students, I mean academians look up to us. Good thing, all this body's memory is rewinded to me a while ago.

Guess I'm not in trouble.


Then the next day we were introduced at every medians.

Medians-the Academy's name for every section.

I was given a choice to pick what I'm going to teach. And I picked, Combat. But everyone disagreed first because they said I'm too powerful. And in the end they agreed.

But guess what if the, real Meinxu is strong I'm 200× stronger.

Now, I'm at the academy's battle ground and I see some potential to the other students while the others are pure.... Failure.

I pointed at a man a cute man.... Ayiee.

"You! What is your name young man?" I said and he seemed scared.

"Uh-uhm is it me that you are pointing to Ma'am?" he said and I smiled and nodded. I'm in my combat attire right now and all of them are too."Shang Xuyin ma'am."

"Yes, it's you, please come in front and I'll demonstrate the method of the Xunix. Do you know it young man?"
I said strictly and he looked away.

He has potential but he hides it, he seem to have no confidence, but sorry sunshine, you must be bold in combat not a coward.

He hooked his head and all the people started laughing and I know the other Clan leaders are monitoring me.

"Then, watch every move I'll be showing and never. Turn your eyes the other way."

First I created a dummy.

I started flying in a circular motion and as I get closer I made sure that it has no sound. And when I came close, I kicked it up. And up in the sky, I kicked it with full force down the ground that caused it to make a crack.

I saw many eyes full of amazement and I know they never heard of the technique I demonstrated.

The clan leaders came to me and said, "Meinxu, that method of fighting is never see or heard of, but it's powerful."

"Yes, I created the Xunix method and this method is about defending and at the same time kill your opponent quietly."

Then I looked at the young man, he seemed ready and I said, "Now, young man, can you do as how  I demonstrated the method?"

He nodded and proceed to do the method and the others was amazed on how he did it.

Well that's because I will make a prodigy. I stand by what I said.

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