Chapter 6: There are plans to be made

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Zim and Tak were in Zim's house for about 15 minutes talking and planning on how their great take over would happen. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Zim went to answer. Standing outside the door was Dib and Gaz. Zim was about to say hello before Gaz cut him off by saying "Before you even start talking Zim why am I here and why should I help you with you lame little take over?" Zim smirked and said "I'll get you any video games, consoles, or headsets that you want." Gaz's eyes widened and she quickly replied "Ok yeah I'm in." Dib reached behind him a pulled out Zim's plasma pistol. "You left this" Dib said as he tossed it to Zim who caught it and put it in his pack before saying "Come in we've got big plans to make." The Membrane siblings enter Zim's house see that its in a bit of disrepair. Gaz spoke up "Geez  Zim have you been in here going insane for the past 4 months?" Zim tilted his head, turned to them, smiled creepily with wide wild eyes "Yes." Dib and Gaz gave worried looks before Zim snapped them out by quickly snapping back to normal saying "Ok we have a lot to talk about so take a seat." With that Dib and Gaz sat on Zim's couch. Tak and Zim stood in front the the table, and Tak stepped forward to speak. "This is an almost impossible task we are all about to embark on. Are you humans sure your up for it?" Dib was the first to speak up "I'm willing to do anything to prove my dad wrong." Gaz spoke up too "As long as Zim gets me video games I don't care." Zim jumps forward, slams his hands on the table, and loudly says "Great!" This of course makes everyone including Tak jump. Zim continues "I will personally retrieve our last member." Dib speaks up "Who's the last member?" Zim answers "An irken named Skoodge will be joining us on thi-" Tak cuts him off "If you can convince him." Zim countered with "Oh he will definitely join. Skoodge will take any win he can get hehehe." Tak replied "Fair enough" before raising an eyebrow before asking "So why do you have to go alone exactly?" Zim explained "Well for one I feel like my base is safer with you here and two Skoodge will probably caught off guard if I show up and there's two humans with me." Tak shrugged and said "Fair enough" Suddenly Gir comes skipping into the room and says "Can I go master?" Zim of course responds with "No Gir." Gir begins to start screaming "B-But I wanna go!" Zim gets down on one knee and says "I'll make special waffles when I get back if you stay here." Gir thinks for a moment before saying "Okie dokie" and skipping off to bother Mimi. Zim stands back up and announces "I will be back soon, but if I'm not.....then I'm dead or something I don't know." Zim said the last part with a playful shrug and an I'm joking but I'm not joking tone. With that Zim goes to his hanger and jumps in his ship before blasting into space. As Zim disappeared into space the group stood and watched for a minute. Finally Dib walks over to Tak and asks "So you think Zim will be able to convince this Skoodge guy?" Tak scuffs in annoyance "I don't know human. Skoodge is a pathetic loser though so I wouldn't be surprised if he joined." Gaz suddenly spoke up "I've been wondering something." Tak raised an eyebrow while clearly being annoyed that she had to answer more questions "What human?" Gaz then asked "What's in it for you?" Tak paused for a second before giving an arrogant smirk and explaining "Well Zim said I could have Irk when we are done and I fully intend on holding him to that." Gaz questioned further "And what if he doesn't do-" Tak cut Gaz off by bluntly saying "Then I'll kill him and take it." Dib then asked a question of his own "I get why Zim's doing this, but what did the empire do to you that was so bad?" Tak looked like she wasn't going to answer for a minute before she finally did "Nothing really. It was Zim ruined my whole life and I can't forgive him for that." Tak paused before continuing "But he's right I have nothing left . I can't just go back to the empire and expect a third chance to become an invader anytime soon. I've learned that happiness must be taken and I will take mine as soon as Irk belongs to me and me alone." Tak looked at the humans with a determined look before saying "I hope I can actually trust you humans to not screw this whole thing up." Dib gave Tak an equally determined look "I've been waiting for something like this my entire life I will see it through to the end and we will-" Gaz cut her brother off by bluntly saying "Probably lose." Dib shot an annoyed look at his sister "Gaz!" Gaz just shrugged while explaining "Just saying we are going up against an entire alien empire and ZIM is our leader." Dib thought about it for a moment before continuing "True but still I will make dad believe aliens exist even if it means I died trying." Tak then walked over to the planning table in front of Zims tv "Now if you humans are done asking questions there are plans to be made." Dib and Gaz walked over to the table as well. "Yeah it's probably better to get a head start on the planning so Zim has something to work with when he comes back." Dib said as he looked over bits of information on the table, all having to do with Irken security, soldier classes, and Irken machinery. Tak spoke up "My and Zim talked about it a little bit and decided it's probably best to start with destroying the Massive. I'll admin Zim's more anxious to kill the Tallests than I thought, but like I said probably the best place to start." As the trio on earth continued to work on the rough draft of the master plan Zim flew through space nearing Scoodges position. Zim was glad this journey to wasn't gonna take as long as his journey to Earth because his ships new hyper drive. Zim soon approached a planet that was marked as Scoodges position.

The planet was marked as Vampa

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The planet was marked as Vampa. It sorta looked like a giant moon to Zim as his ship got closer to the grim looking planet. "Geez I hope Scoodge is alive down there."

To be continued

Hello everyone I know I stopped updating the story for a while, but life's just been a bit hectic lately. Anyway idk when the next chapter will release but I assure you it will happen. Until next time bye!

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