Part 13: He who cleans, must also clense

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Lucas, dressed and ready, left the room on his own. His face flush and heart pounding, after just receiving one of the most enthralling experiences of his life so far. Feeling down that it was so quick.

Lucas toiled around the manor, as Sebastian treated him no differently than before. Eventually he found himself in the kitchen, helping to prepare the Young Masters dinner.

Looking at him, they both knew what happened between them but didn't utter a word or gesture at all to it. Knowing the other was thinking the same pthing as they shared the space together. With unwavering facial expressions or actions. Nobody would suspect a thing.

Ciel ate his dinner and was swiftly off to bed afterwards, with Sebastian following with his nightly drink on a tray. Stopping by Lucas as he collected the plates and silverware.

"Would you mind helping wash the dishes?"

"Sure, I'll have them all on the drying rack"

Lucas answered as soon as Sebastian asked, putting a smile on his face as he walked away after Ciel.

Lucas took the plates to the kitchen and rolled up his sleeves. Wiping the excess into the garbage and washing them in warm water.

"Huh? What're you doing?"

Lucas turned around confused to see Mey Rin standing by the door

"Washing the dishes, why?"

"Oh, but... that's my job"

"Well you can still help if you'd like"

Mey rin reluctantly joined in soaking the dishes and washing them clean, the warm water was nice in her cold hands, she let them sit under the warm water for a bit. Lucas felt the back of her hand with his, feeling they were cold as window panes.

"My you're freezing"

Lucas states as he holds her hands under the water, making it a bit hotter to help her. Letting her leave her hands under the warm running water as he laid the dishes on the drying rack.

After finishing up Lucas got his dinner plate. He opted to have dinner in his room. The same as last night. He turned to see Mey Run was just looking at the food.

"Are you not gonna get some?"

"Oh, no I-I will, it's just im not too hungry just yet, so I'll decide in a bit"

Lucas shrugged and said alright before leaving the room with his plate. Saying goodnight to Finny on the way to the downstairs dorms. Walking down the long dark hall. Reaching the end and turning into his room.

Opening the door he saw a new pair of soft sheets and blankets on his bed. He closed the door behind himself and placed his plate on his desk. Going over to the bed and feeling the soft and cool sheets with his ungloved hands. He hung up his coat on the coat rack, with his gloves in the lower pocket.

He slowly ate his dinner at his desk, and by the end of it, was ready to go to sleep. He cleaned up the remnants from his plate, and slipped into his nightly pajamas. As he slipped his pants on he heard a knock at his door.

"I'm changing, give me a second"

He says, slipping his pants on and approaching the door. Opening it to see Sebastian standing with an open top clothes basket, inside, a lot of clothes and other commodities for Lucas' dresser.

"May I come in?"

With his face slightly flushed, Lucas nods and steps aside to let Sebastian in. Closing the door as Sebastian lays the basket down and opens his dresser, beginning to hang up and fold all the clothes inside. Slotting them into the shelves and hanging the larger pieces in the left hand section.

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