Part One: His land, His Fight

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Albemarle County Virginia, 1889

A blonde haired man in a butlers vest and jeans walks down a hallway as he pulls out his pocket watch to check the time. The shining brown floors have just been polished. The dimming light of the afternoon sky glistens through the windows, he runs his hand through his hair as he approaches a big set of double doors and knocks.

"Come in" an older voice says

The blonde haired man opens the door

"Dinner is prepared sir"

"Ah good, I was just about to call you about it"

The older man steps up from his chair and around his desk, he walks over to the other man and slowly begins walking down the hall. The man was much older, he had white hair and a monocle over his left eye. He was rich from the civil war, he owned the entire estate they were in.

"So, how is that stable boy, Jason?" The old man asked

A worker named Jason recently fell off a wagon while stacking up some hay on a wagon and one of the horses had trampled him. His rib was fractured and his leg broken, luckily the men in the barn got him out to a hospital

"He's recovering, the doctor said he'd be performing the surgery for him right about now"

"That's good to hear, he may be able to do the work of five men but tell him not to work alone"

As they make their way down the stairs a few servants pass by. One of the guardsmen approaches the blonde butler. An African American man in black overalls and a white shirt with a black hat. His pistol was holstered to his pelt with cartridges lining it.

"We spotted a group of wagons and horses out der, headin in from the east"

The Earl had an annoyed look on his face. During the war he sold weapons during the war, rifles, pistols, ammunition, even canons. But the Union said they would pay him handsomely if he sold faulty weapons to the Confederates. And so he did, and thus they did. Its what caused the south to lose Missouri and Tennessee. But just a few years ago, some old hillbillies and their sons found out about the whole ordeal

Another guardsman in a similar attire came up as well. The first one then asks "What should we do?"

"Have some boys on the roof, keep an eye on them and keep them off the fence. If they get in, shoot them"

The man nods and walks back out with the other boys.

The blonde man turns again to the master of the house, the old man. "I'm sure nothing will come of it sir"

"I hope so too" He says exhaustedly. In his old age he's become morenweary and tired by the year.

They walk to the dining room, a loud sprawling room where most of the estate gathers to eat. Some prefer to take their food elsewhere, but most dine in together for dinner. The hustle and bustle is surely lively, the master always gets a smile when he enters the room. As he sits at one of the round tables.

"What will we be having for dinner today Lucas?"

"Steak with baked potatoes, for tonight sir." Lucas said as he laid finely decorated plate in front of the man with his silverware beside his plate.

"The chef said he may have accidentally done it a bit rare this time" He said as the master cut into the thick cut of meat. The red juices inside seaped out from the cut, as he pulled the piece to the side to examine the perfectly pink and wet interior.

He slowly cut a piece and raise it to his mouth. He ate it and said.

"Hm! It's rather tender this time around, bring me the pepper please Lucas" Lucas handed the man the pepper cracker, he twisted the nob as wishes and then continued eating.

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