Part 12: Clothes Fitting and Getting Familiar~

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Lucas walks with Finny to the library, jotting down in his memory, the way to it. As they opened the doors to see the huge library. Finny laughed as he jogged through the room with his arms spread out wide, jumping over furniture and such. Eventually he turns into one of the walls and picks out a stack of books, horizontally stacked with their covers facing up instead of being slid in.

“These are the books im on right now! I usually keep them in a special spot in the greenhouse, but since it's winter, Mr Sebastian told me to keep them inside so they don't get damaged”

“Sebastian lets you keep books to yourself?”

“It's a little secret between us, he lets me keep a few books to read for myself when I'm not working”

“Well that's nice”

Finny sits on the floor next to the pile of books and takes the top one, plopping down in the corner of the room as he opens it to a certain page and starts reading to himself. Lucas walks around the library and looks for a book himself, not finding anything too interesting, eventually settling on a book about monsters. The hard cover was made of a firm yet cool leather. He opened and read, sitting on one of the couches, he became engrossed in the books detailing fictional creatures. Going in such depth describes each one, the rot and cirrhosis of the undead, the boiling blood running throughout a fire breathing dragon, a demon's need to feed on souls.

Lucas read and read until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning his head to see Sebastian standing behind him.

“The young master is ready to see you now”

He says with a smile, as Lucas sits up and stands up from the couch, placing the book down on the table as he stretches and walks with Sebastian out into the main hall and up the stairs. Walking through the hallways to Ciel's office, opening the door. Lucas looked around the room as he went through, Sebastian coming in behind him.

Lucas came up to Ciels desk, seeing the snow outside the window, Sebastian pulled up a chair behind Lucas, allowing him to sit down. Ciel immediately passed over a set of papers detailing work for the manor. The first page being a short expose on the Phantomhive Family. The other two being contracts.

Lucas took the first one, titled ‘Butlery Servitude’ reading through it, it described the premise and expectations of the job, the payment plan and possible position changes. Expected. At the bottom, was a blank space for a signature, agreeing to the terms and conditions of the contract. Lucas promptly signed his name and initials with a pen.

Ciel slid the contract back towards himself, before pushing the final paper to Lucas.

“Another contract?” Lucas questioned, looking at it, it read, ‘Defense Contract’

Ciel explained

“We have many enemies and, secrets, hidden within these halls. This contract enlists you for more payment and insured benefits, in addition to you protecting my assets and assets when needed”

Lucas sat for a minute, going over the contract, thinking about what had happened to his last employer he failed to protect. He sat there in silence for a minute before Ciel snapped him out of it. He quickly signed again and Ciel took the contracts. Signing and stamping them, then sliding them into his desk drawer.

Lucas sat up and bowed slightly to Ciel before moving to the door with Sebastian. Leaving the room, Sebastian starts

“Let us go for your fitting then, yes?” He asked,

Lucas nodded and then walked to the other side of the manor. Sebastian opened a door to a wide box room with a circular window facing the snowy forest. Now on the left side of the manor. In the middle of the room stood a circular platform, around them stood cabinets full of fabrics and materials, with a bench for sewing and other such things on the other side of the room. Along with racks and shelves of premade clothing

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