Part 7: Englands Finest

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The carriage pulled forward as they slowly dragged into the streets of London

"And what exactly are you here in London for?"

Ciels face turned to a rude expression and exuded a bitter aura. Before he would adjust his head to face Lucas but now he simply moved his eye to address him. 

"I'm here, with my butler, investigating a recent string of crime under Her Majesty The Queen's order"

He says as the carriage continues rolling with his face un-impeding as Lucas' questions' in response

"What's the crime?"

"A string of public hangings, of which all the victims have been Anglo Indian"


Lucas expresses his unfamiliarity with the word as the driver explains on the outside

"A person with person from another country with British ancestry”

“Well, what's it about?” Lucas’ asks as Ciel leans his head back and stares out of tht carriage window as he says

“Mass murders of Anglo Indian men being stripped, beaten, and hung upside down in public spaces where they die by morning before anyone he's found them”

Lucas is silent at this

“Say, you seem rather well off, do you think you really need to go to the hospital?” Ciel asks as Lucas shakes his head

“No I think I'm rather all right thank you” he says as he laughs it off.

Ciel takes his cane and taps the roof of the carriage

“Sebastian! You can skip the trip to the hospital”

“Yes my lord” 

The carriage runs through London to the site of the most recent hanging, men in blue are keeping the crowd at bay and swinging tarps over the bodies. Ciel looks to Lucas in the carriage and says 

“Don't let them see your guns”

As the carriage door is opened, Ciel steps out as Lucas follows in toe. The butler holding the door open is a lanky figure with a smooth face and rather messy black hair for a nobleman's butler. Lucas reached his hand out to shake the man's hand.

“Pleasure to meet you formally, Sebastian I take it?”

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“Pleasure to meet you formally, Sebastian I take it?”

Sebastian nods but refuses the handshake, stating

“I can't accept, as I am merely a butler as of now, if we work together in the future then we will be seen as equals”

“Just because your a servant doesn't mean I'm better than you”

Lucas says as he follows Ciel into the crowd, Sebastian mumbles under his breath

“Yes that is exactly what I meant”

He follows the two into the tape line as they approach two men in trench coats and bowler hats. Detectives of Scotland Yard. Ciel takes the report from them and starts reading over it as the detectives are baffled. 


Ciel pulls an envelope out with the stamp of the queen and waves it in front of the man

“If it was just a highway man I wouldn't get involved. However I won't sit by and watch the royal family be insulted”

The detectives look disgruntled and tsk to themselves as they realize they have no power over The Queen's Watchdog. Ciel and Sebastian look over the papers as Lucas stands behind them with his hands in his pockets staring into space. 

“The only targets have been upperclassmen who recently came back from India-”

“Upper class, how worthless. Anyway, what's this mark?” Ciel asks as he imitates the tongue sticking out symbol made on the notes and described in the report. 

The older detective proceed to go on angry rant about how the men behind this are making a fool of the queen and only a “vulgar Indian barbarian” could do this

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The older detective proceed to go on angry rant about how the men behind this are making a fool of the queen and only a “vulgar Indian barbarian” could do this. 

“Have you memorized these papers Sebastian?”


“Very well, let's be on our way, I wish to return to the manor soon” 

“Of course My Lord”

Ciel begins walking back to the carriage as Sebastian hands the detectives their documents back. Lucas turns with Ciel as they approach the carriage.

“Would you like me to ride in front or with you here sir?” Lucas asks as he opens the carriage door for Ciel

“Your not a servant yet, come on”

Lucas nods and heads up into the carriage as Sebastian makes his way back as well.

“Where to next Young Master?”

“Let's head to the East End, there's a large Indian population there, maybe he’ll have something”

Sebastian nods and closes the door to the carriage as they set off for the East End.

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