72: What's the Prognosis, Doc?

Start from the beginning

Elise's eyes widened. Yikes.

"Will this become a serious issue?" Aizawa asked.

"Hm." The pink-haired man took out a clipboard with papers on it, shifting to address Elise as he scanned the papers. "Wing-chan, have you been using the new quirk a lot? How about the changes you went through with your Awakening?"

At a loss, she shrugged. 'I've been using the second quirk other abilities, but I don't know what my Awakened Abilities are beyond being able to better understand Pokémons.'

"I see minor concerns with your elevated heart and metabolic rate. But I hope that over time, her body will adjust and acclimate so those will lessen. My biggest concern is keeping your weight up, but that can be fixed with a more robust diet. Otherwise, long-term wear and tear on the body might be an issue if you are to be using your quirk frequently. The heart and joints are among the higher-risk areas and so are the ligaments and tendons. You would need to take care of yourself to prevent any issues."

Elise snuck a glance at Mentor, seeing a conflicted look on his face.

Doctor Kagayaki took off his glasses, wiping them over and putting them back on as he said, "Aside from all that, Wing-chan's healing process is going well. If I'm correct, then U.A. has been slowly reintroducing physical activity?"

"Yes," Recovery Girl responded. "Before I let her join the students in their training, I focused on various exercises to strengthen her arm. Even now as we're allowing her to join her peers, I break it up with rest days and checkups."

"Standard procedures then," the doctor remarked as he took notes on his clipboard. He ran his pen down the form and hummed. "I apologize about the questions, most of these are procedural for the family, but we're done. It's also been brought to my attention that you wanted to bring something up, Eraserhead-san?"

Aizawa nodded. "The licensing exam does not allow examinees to participate if they happen to sport a major injury that might interfere with the testing process."

The breath in Elise's lungs stalled as a hand subconsciously went to her neck.

"Your arm passes as 'fully healed', but your other injury poses a problem. The span of your healing process would extend past even the makeup date for the license exam, rendering you unable to take it this year."

Fingers twitched over pristine white bandages, nails catching on the cotton like they wanted to undo all the work that went into the wrappings.

"However, we've discovered a loophole that allowed for your participation."

At his pause, Elise leaned forward.

"It would require Recovery Girl to use her quirk to heal the rest of the injury. It's a massive medical decision, so that's why we're all here to confer about this."

Mentor, ever to the point, was the first to ask his questions. "How will this affect Elise? I remember it being stressed that any advanced healing treatments would be too much for the fragile areas."

"Doctor Kagayaki and I talked it over," Recovery Girl spoke, looking at Elise. "We calculated that the drain needed to heal you is well within your capabilities to handle. It is completely non-threatening, especially if we have energy supplements for you.."

"The hospital has a steady supply of enhanced foods available at the request of doctors." Doctor Kagayaki. "I have permission to pass you reinforced foods and drinks for the session if you so choose to go forward."

Elise stayed quiet, but as Aizawa shifted, her eyes snapped from the table to him.

"Can I ask Eraserhead and Recovery Girl to step out, please?" Doctor Kagayaki stated. He left no room for protest and pulled open the door to allow the two heroes to file out. Once it was shut again, he took a seat across the table from Elise and Mentor. "I didn't want them to pressure you when you make this decision. I need you to fully understand the risks and factors of agreeing to have Recovery Girl speed up the healing process."

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