Chapter Twelve

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The next few days of school went by quickly. Every day, Harvey and I would goof off during class and screw like rabbits in the evening. I was fairly certain my mother knew what we were doing, but she didn't seem to care. She had said something about him being "of robust stock", whatever that meant. I figured it meant something good, because she was being very pleasant towards us. Alia, despite being bothered by Harvey from time to time, was entirely back to her cheerful, lovable self. She always third-wheeled whenever we hung out, but she didn't seem to mind. She would often chat to us about her plans to get with Eli Harrington, who by this point had filed a restraining order.

On Friday, I woke up bright and early. Harvey and I had boinked at my place the previous night, but he had gone home around midnight. I hopped out of bed and pulled on some clothing. I trudged downstairs and sat at our kitchen bar, preparing a glass of orange juice and a bagel with cream cheese. My dad walked into the kitchen and waved at me.

"Hey-o, Maya Bear," he said "Care for some spring rolls?"

"Did you make spring rolls?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said "Old family recipe. I just substituted the shrimp for something a little more scrumptious, if you know what I mean."

I rolled my eyes. My dad forked a spring roll onto my plate.

"I'm off to do some gardening," he said "Have a great day at school!"

My dad walked through the front door, whistling happily. I finished my bagel and poked at the spring roll with a fork for a bit, before dumping it into the trash and going upstairs to grab my school stuff. Once I came back down, my mother was waiting to take me to school. We walked outside and hopped into her car.

"So," my mom said as she began driving "How has Harvey been?"

"He's been doing well," I replied boredly "And so have I, thanks for asking."

My mother gave me the evil eye.

"Listen, Maya," she said sternly "Your little boyfriend has potential. Forgive me if I'm showing more interest in him than in my daughter...a daughter who has consistently evaded our efforts to indoctrinate her into our organization."

I rolled my eyes and huffed, shifting my body to the side and crossing my arms. Although my mother had recently been acting more pleasantly, in her heart she was still cold and ruthless. Once we pulled up to the school, I quickly left the car and shuffled through the front doors. Harvey was waiting for me in the entrance hall, flicking wads of chewed gum at the back of a teacher's head.

"Yo, Maya," he said "Wanna bang in the girl's bathroom?"

My cheeks flushed. Harvey had been getting more and more brazen in his sexual suggestions as of late.

"No, Harvey," I said "We can't school."

"Why not?" Harvey asked "Do you have any idea how many times I've boinked someone here?"

I shook my head, smiling at Harvey. He was such a rascal. The bell rang and we walked down the hallway towards Mr. Hamlin's class. Once we got there, Harvey positioned his slingshot underneath his desk, ready to wreak havoc once more. Mr. Hamlin stepped up in front of the whiteboard, his eye twitching.

"Today is exam day," he said "And if any of you lazy fuckshits try and cheat, I'll personally see to it that you're shot in the head."

Harvey aimed his slingshot at Mr. Hamlin's knees. He fired and missed. Mr. Hamlin glanced down at his feet.

"Harvey Hotstud," he said, looming over Harvey's desk "If you shoot that thing one more goddamn time, I will tear your body apart and adorn the walls of the school with your guts in warning to any other disrespectful fuckhead who dares to fuck with me. Got it?"

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