Chapter Ten

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I woke up wrapped in silky smooth bed sheets. For a moment, I wasn't sure where I was, but then the previous night's events came rushing back to me. I had arrived at Harvey's mansion...he was there in the bed...he and I...actually boinked. I had officially had sex with someone, and I was so happy it was with Harvey. There was no one I'd rather have had a six-hour lovemaking session with. Not even Jordan Peterson. I flopped on my back and I realized how exhausted my body felt after such a rigorous display of passion. Someone moved beside me. I turned my head to see Harvey. He stirred and then opened his eyes.

"Hello, beautiful," he said "Wanna go again?"

I scrunched up my face. As incredible as sex with Harvey was, my body was aching and I needed time to rest. Still wanting to show my love for him, I kissed Harvey passionately. Once I drew back, I looked into his glistening eyes.

"I..." I began to say "I love you, Harvey."

Harvey grinned and pumped his fist.

"Score!" he said "I love you too, Maya. I love anyone who'll boink the hell out of me."

I suddenly got nervous. Did he only love me because I had sex with him?

"Um, Harvey," I said "You don't only love me for the sex, right?"

He looked at me with a serious expression.

"No, of course not," he said "I love everything about you. Your eyes, your hair, your passion. You're so beautiful, Maya, in every way."

I felt like I was dreaming. I snuggled up closer to Harvey. Suddenly, the door shot open. Jefferson came in with a tray of food, setting it on Harvey's bedside table.

"Do you mind?" Harvey said.

"I'm sorry, sir," said Jefferson apologetically "But you did say to bring your breakfast in at 10 o'clock sharp."

"Oh, right," Harvey said, pulling himself up and grabbing the tray.

Jefferson left the room and I sat up against the headboard with Harvey, snuggled up in sheets so as not to expose myself. Harvey graciously grabbed my clothes from the floor and I pulled them on. Harvey pulled on some boxers, but nothing else. Jefferson had prepared a lovely cheesy egg dish for us. It was one of the most delicious things I had ever eaten. He had also brought us some hot tea, which I sipped eagerly.

Once we finished eating, I got out of bed, stretched, and grabbed my backpack.

"We should probably get to school," I said "We're already a couple hours late."

"Nah," Harvey said "Let's skip. We can treat ourselves to an extended weekend."

I giggled.

"In any case, I should get home." I said, scrolling through multiple panicked text messages from my mother.

Harvey groaned in dissatisfaction. I walked over and pecked him on the lips, before turning and leaving. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to stay there, but I also didn't want my mother to berate me too severely. I walked downstairs and met Jefferson at the front doors.

"A car is waiting for you, miss," he said "Accompanied by your new personal butler, Mr. Madison."

I nodded graciously and walked to the large limo parked in front of Harvey's mansion. Mr. Madison offered me a glass of water, which I gladly accepted. My throat was dry after the events of the previous night. Once we got to my house, I nervously hopped out of the limo, thanked Mr. Madison and the driver, and walked to my front door. I couldn't imagine what my mother was going to think. I wasn't even sure what I was going to tell her. I walked through the door to see my mother sitting in a chair at the dining room table, scowling at me.

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