Chapter One

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The familiar sound of my alarm clock sliced through the silence of my room. My aching arms stretched towards my bedside table, desperately trying to turn it off. I didn't want to have to deal with this--another day of torment. And it was worse than other days, because it was the day I was finally going back to school after my month in the psych ward.

The clock just kept ringing. It wouldn't stop. I couldn't reach the damn thing no matter how hard I tried! Finally, I got a hold of it, snatching it off the table and throwing it across the room. This was going to be a frustrating day.

After slowly trudging out of bed, I slumped down the stairs to the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of freshly mixed orange juice. I could hear my rushed parents frantically hurrying around in their bedroom. My father emerged first, hoisting a large black trash bag over his shoulder. It was probably filled with assorted body parts.

My parents were part of a cult that lynched elderly people. They were of the opinion that senior citizens were too weak and feeble to continue as functioning members of society as they got older. Therefore, they joined a small, local organization that echoed their sentiments and conducted weekly lynchings at the low-security retirement community down the street. I didn't care much for my family's lynching business, attempting to avoid them at all costs.

My father smiled at me as he struggled to keep the heavy bag over his shoulder. He was still wearing his silk nightgown and stocking cap.

"Hey there, Maya!" he said, grinning "I'm just out here disposing of some parts. Care to join me for a walk out to the dumpster?"

"No thanks." I said in a monotone voice.

"You should join your father!" came the familiar voice of my mother as she exited the bedroom as well.

She was wearing an ermine coat, a large, silvery-emerald gown, and rhinestone slippers. Having inherited hundreds of millions of dollars from her parents after they perished in a segway crash, my mom had always adorned herself with various false beauty. She strutted into the room, peering at me and raising an eyebrow.

"My god, Maya." she said, sneering "I can't believe you'd wear that shade of burgundy."

Brushing past me, she pecked my father on the cheek as he exited the house. I sighed and quickly poured myself a bowl of cereal, before running upstairs to grab my school things. I knew I couldn't rely on my parents to take me to school that day. My next door neighbor Jake would always give me a lift whenever I needed one, so I decided to run over to his doorstep and ask.

Jake's house was much larger than mine, and it had a massive fountain in the front yard that contained koi fish. When Jake and I were younger, Jake's older brother used to remove the koi fish from the fountain and show us how to dissect them. It was fascinating. Ever since then, I developed a keen interest in animal dissection.

I walked up to the doorstep and knocked on the door. Jake answered, grinning.

"I figured you'd show up" he said, nodding to me "Come on, let's go."

I hopped into Jake's 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata, sitting myself down on the super comfortable passenger seat. The 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata really is an impressive car. Not only does it drive smoothly, but the gas mileage is much better compared to other leading car brands. Despite being manufactured several years ago, it still holds up today as one of the best cars you can possibly purchase. As I sat in the seat, I thought about how great it would be to go out and purchase one at my local car dealership!

Jake drove his 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata down the road, chattering away about something delicious he had eaten for breakfast that morning. I zoned out, staring out of the high-quality tinted windows of the 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata. I always had a crush on Jake when I was younger. My fascination with him waned however, when he told me he was gay. I hate gay boys. Everything they do is so dramatic and flamboyant, it just makes me want to set myself on fire. Why do so many of them have to be so good looking? But I continued to stay friendly with him, not only because he was my ride to school, but because he owned a beautiful 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata.

Once we pulled into the school parking lot, I hopped out of the 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata and began strolling towards River Valley High School. Jake slowly got out of his 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata, closing and locking the doors. I saw him walk to the side entrance of the high school, while I went to the main entrance.

As I walked in, I saw Tiffany Titsworth, the most popular, attractive, perfect girl in school. She looked at me like a queen would look at a lowly slave. She trotted over, her giant gazongas bouncing elegantly.

"Well, if it isn't Mucky Maya" she said with an amused sneer "Still ugly, I see. And still riding with that soft boy, Jake, in that horrendous car. What is it, a Mitsubishi Mirage?"

"For your information," I responded angrily "It's a 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata. The Mitsubishi Mirage is massively inferior to the 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata's speed and performance. Its gas mileage isn't even comparable to a trash car like the Mirage. Everyone knows Mazda is the superior Japanese automobile manufacturer."

Tiffany sneered at me again.

"You're not worth my time" she said nastily "See you later, loser."

I groaned as Tiffany flounced away. I tried to distract myself from the negativity with positive thoughts. I thought about my one true love...the man I knew I'd never have...renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson. He filled my dreams nearly every night. I knew it would be better to try and get with someone my age, but there was something about Jordan's gray hair and wrinkled face that made me feel faint. But I quickly flushed Jordan out of my mind. I needed to get to class and focus on my academics. That would distract me well enough.

I entered the musty room of Mr. Hamlin. He was a weird-looking man who smelled faintly of burnt toast. His eyes often twitched and he had strange muscle spasms, and he was prone to violent outbursts, but besides that he was fine. Apparently he was only teaching at the high school because he was completing his community service. He allegedly committed something called "regicide". No one was really sure what that was. Did he kill a guy named Reggie?

Mr. Hamlin nodded to me as I took my seat in the front row, right next to the most obnoxious boy in the school—Harvey Hotstud. I hated that I had to sit by him every day, but Mr. Hamlin was very strict with the seating arrangements. Harvey grinned at me.

"Hey, girly" he said "I'm having a party tonight if you wanna come. I'm gonna have sex with, like, everyone there."

"Ew, no!" I screamed in his face "As if I would ever have sex with you!"

I stuck my hand down my throat to trigger my gag reflex, but I vomited a little inside my mouth and turned away from Harvey, embarrassed. Mr. Hamlin stepped in front of the whiteboard.

"Today you will be reading pages twelve through twenty-eight in the textbook" he said "If you have any questions, you can go fuck yourself."

Everyone immediately got to work. After an hour, the bell rang, and I got up from my seat, being careful to avoid Harvey and his chiseled physique as he gallivanted towards the door with his unctuous charm. As I stepped out of the classroom, I was approached by my only real friend, Alia. She grinned at me and started bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.

"Oh my god, Maya!" she screeched "Did you hear about Harvey's party tonight? Apparently, he's gonna bang every chick who comes!"

"He always says that," I said, annoyed "He never even gets through ten girls."

"Well, maybe we'll be two of the ten" said Alia optimistically "You've got to come!"

"Hell no!" I said, irritated "I don't want to entertain Harvey's stupid sex urges."

"Just think about it!" Alia said "I'll talk to you after school."

She pranced away, her rainbow boots clinking against the linoleum floor. Mr. Hamlin stepped beside me and watched her hop away.

"That bitch hasn't returned her essay for a week now" he said in a fed up tone "I swear to God, I'm gonna fucking kill her whole fucking family if she doesn't get it turned in by Friday."

"Oh, Mr. Hamlin," I said chidingly, "Won't you ever learn?"

He scowled as I walked away. I thought about Harvey's party. Maybe I should couldn't hurt, could it?

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