Chapter Six

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The next couple of days passed by rather uneventfully and quickly. But despite the dullness of school and home life, I now had something to distract from my boredom. Ever since that night at the park, Harvey and I hung out practically every moment of the day. He was always telling me stories about girls he had boinked, but whenever I brought up the idea of us doing it, he always seemed hesitant. I wasn't sure why...he had seemed so eager to have sex with me before. Why did he suddenly seem nervous about it?

That weekend, Harvey and I took another trip to the park during the daytime. He taught me how to skip rocks, and I taught him the best places in the natural environment to hide corpses (something I had picked up from my parents). He still seemed deeply interested in my parent's cult, and was always very friendly towards them whenever he came over to my house. My mother even seemed to be treating me better. Everything was going smoothly, and I couldn't be happier about it.

I got to school on Monday with a skip in my step, happily frollicking towards the front doors. Alia ran to catch up with me.

"You look awfully happy today," she said, panting "You excited for the trip?"

"What trip?" I asked, confused.

"The trip to the zoo, remember?" she said "It's today!"

I couldn't believe it. I had completely forgotten. Principal Clark had arranged for our school to visit the local zoo on a field trip. I was so wrapped up in Harvey-related escapades that it had slipped my mind.

"We're supposed to meet in the gym in a few minutes." Alia said, walking with me through the front doors.

The two of us made our way to the gym. Most of the school was already there. Tiffany Titsworth was voraciously gossiping with her fellow cheerleaders in the corner of the bleachers. I saw Harvey sitting with the macrame team, guffawing happily at something one of his teammates said. He glanced in my direction and grinned, hopping up from his seat and walking towards me.

"Hey, girlie," he said flirtatiously "Can't wait to spend some time with you in the snake house."

I blushed furiously. We were interrupted by the screeching feedback of Principal Clark's microphone as he tapped it with his index finger. The student body slowly fell silent.

"Ok," said Principal Clark, adjusting his glasses and reading from a small piece of paper "I want to make it clear that our school will not tolerate any inappropriate behavior during this trip. Now, I have to tell you this because the school board is requiring it of me. So if anyone happens to do anything inappropriate, just make sure you do it behind my back. "

Harvey glanced at me suggestively. I blushed again. Was he trying to tell me he was ready it?

"Mr. Hamlin and I will be the trip supervisors," Principal Clark said "We'll be supplying lunch in the form of a single bag of chips for each student."

"If you want anything else," Mr. Hamlin interjected "You can go fuck yourself. Buses are outside. If you're not onboard within five minutes, we're leaving you."

The people in the gym quickly began to disperse. I walked towards the doors with Harvey and Alia. Tiffany Titsworth flounced by, her voluptuous gazongas smacking me aside. Unlike most girls, whose boobs bounced imperfectly, Tiffany's always bounced in perfect circles, with efficiency. It was almost mesmerizing, but I reminded myself not to think positively of such a vile whore.

The students slowly started to exit the school and board the run-down fleet of buses that were waiting outside. Harvey and I climbed into one and took a seat together. Alia sat down in the seat across from us. Mrs. Simmons, the librarian Jake had been having a sexual relationship with, sat down next to Alia. I glared at her. She smiled nervously back at me. She was a mousey woman with graying hair, even though she was rather young.

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