S2 E4: Sweet 'n' Sour

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The scene opens to MK is as he's delivering noodles when suddenly someone blows by him. In no time, he finds himself surrounded by a gang of Speedy Panda drivers.

MK: "Oh, boy."

The drivers attack him then attack him, who starts yelping in pain. The scene then cuts to Pigsy, Boarus, Tang, Liù and MK sit at Pigsy's Noodles, Liù nurses MK's face with an ice-pack.

MK: "Oh, I had it up to here with those Speedy Panda delivery brickheads! They've been sabotaging me all week!"

Liù: "And I swear, every time I get into fights those panda drivers, they somehow get the jump on me first!"

Pigsy: "Those punks with their flash frozen microwave junk! Convenience can never replace a traditional home-cooked family recipe."

MK: "Yeah, but they do, do it quicker"

Pigsy and Boarus glare at him, who recoils back in a panic.

MK: "*nervously* All I'm saying is maybe you both could afford to pick up the pace."

Pigsy: "Pick up the pace? You're the one delivery driver! You pick up the pace! Every noodle from Pigsy's Noodle Shop is handcrafted from scratch with love, care. It's what our customers have come to expect."

Boarus: "It also takes hard work to make the perfect noodles in history, it's what the people love."

Tang: "Don't worry about me, guys. I'm a loyal customer."

Pigsy/Boarus: "More like a loyal freeloader."

Tang gasps in offense from what they said.

Liù: "How about this guys. If something doesn't change, we're gonna actually lose our jobs!"

Pigsy: "Ah, you three don't get it. I poured my heart into this place. From the pots, to the utensils, even my grandmother's antique windows."

A brick with a note is tossed at the window, shattering it. They all gather around to read it.

Boarus: "What's that? A note?"

Tang: "Hmm. 'Attention: Pigsy's Noodles. Prepare for your worst nightmare! We challenge you to Food Wars to determine which restaurant truly reigns supreme. Signed, Speedy Panda.'"

MK: "So, someone gonna tell me what the donk 'Food Wars' is?"

Pigsy: "Food Wars. The ultimate arena for chefs to duke it out, where the victors are hailed supreme above all others. Speedy Panda, I accept your challenge!"

Liù: "This is gonna end badly, isn't it?"

Boarus: "I don't know, kid. But they will pay for hurting you guys, so let's go along with it."

The scene cuts to an open stage as the crowds have gathered for the event.

Announcer: "Welcome one and all to Food Wars! Today, two teams will compete in three rounds of food combat in order to be crowned Supreme Restaurant Champion. Introducing first for Pigsy's Noodle Shop: Pigsy and Boarus with their assistants, MK and Liù! And their opponents: Speedy Panda Convenience Mart! And its owners: these guys!"

Jin: "Remember us, Monkey and Shadow Kids? We're your worst enemies, Jin!"

Yin: "And Yin! The Gold and Silver Demons!"

Liù: "*groans* Oh no, not them again."

MK: "I'm sorry, who-?"

Pigsy: "I don't even know you guys!"

Lego Monkie Kid (OC and genderbend insert)Where stories live. Discover now