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George's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the soldiers emerge right in front of us. Two missionaries were attacked as the others fled.

I could see my little sister, Prissy running to the forest path with her best friend, Rose. I was running the opposite way.

I immediately switched routes and headed to the Forest path to follow them as I heard my father call out to me.

"GEORGE! Meet us at the Lake!" He screamed and I affirmed his message by nodding as I ran.

The forest had very tall trees that covered the horizon. The casted shadow of my sister made me follow her deeper into the forest.

Soon, I lost track of them, as their shadow disappeared and I was left alone.

"Prissy! PRISCILLA!" I screamed swaying around like I lost myself.

"Rose!" I screamed yet again, as my heart let out a loud thump.

"Calm down George, calm down... 1,2,3.." I said trying to catch my heavy breaths. I racked and racked on which route to take to get to them as my eyes caught on something.

A torn part of a bright fabric caught my attention. I walked towards it and saw that it was a veil. It either belonged to Rose or Prissy and it's pieces left a track.

My lips went V-shaped as a wide smile appeared on my face.

"Thank you God" I muttered, looking up to the blocked sky. I started following the tracks.

Soon, I heard voices and was certain it was them. I increased my speed as my heart grew impatient to see my sister again. Poor Prissy! It was her first time joining us in this journey and it left her with a bad memory.

"Who's there?!" I heard the whimpering voice of Rose.

"It's me, George!" I said quickly to weaken whatever growing fear she had.

"George?" I heard her say, as my appearance came to light as I stood in front of her.

"George! George!" She screamed suddenly and ran with full speed to hug me.
I held her in my embrace till my eyes fell on the face that looked like mine. My eyes widened as l saw Prissy lying on the ground, eyes closed. It was then I noticed my shoulder wet with Rose's tears.

"What happened?!" I asked almost screaming, cutting off from the embrace of Rose.

"I...I don't know. She just fainted." Rose stuttered, the lump in her throat unabled her to speak properly.

"Since when?!" I asked, as I ran to my sister's body on the ground. Seeing her lying unconscious on the ground brought a sharp memory of our mum's corpse when she was laid to rest. My heart was falling apart but I had to remind myself to stay strong.

"About seven minutes ago" Rose affirmed.

I placed my fingers below her nostrils to see if she was still breathing. She was. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I lifted her up gently and placed her on my knees. Her head laying on my chest.

"Here!" Rose handed me a big pine leaf which I consequently used to fan my sister.

"Priscilla, Wake Up! PRISCILLA!" I kept on screaming her name as I shook her vigorously. Rose took the pine leaf from my hands and started to fan Prissy.

Up to a minute, I saw Prissy's eyes twitch. I called out to her yet again and this time, her next move was shocking.

With full force, she woke up jerking off my hold and sitting upright. Her heart racing very fast as her eyes opened wide.

Her eyes fell on Rose as she stood up and walked towards her, without noticing me.

"Where's my dad? Where's George? WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!" I heard her ask Rose. I saw the questions as strange and weird as I was right behind her and she fainted not long ago. Why was she asking Rose such questions?

"YOU EVIL WITCH!" I heard her call Rose, and I immediately interfered.

I called out to her slowly as she turned around and saw me standing. She ran with full speed as I caught her in my embrace. Her hug was so tight, I was loosing my breaths.

"What happened? Did you see anything?" I asked Prissy looking into her eyes. I was sure it dawned on her that whatever she was talking about wasn't her reality, as I watched her look around slowly, blinking now and then.

Her watery eyes closed as she embraced me yet again.

It was a nightmare.

We soon heard the matching steps of someone or something heading towards us. I immediately signaled to Rose and Prissy to hide themselves as I would leave myself in the hands of fate.

"I won't leave you alone. Never!" Prissy said, tugging on my shirt tightly. Even though she was my baby sister, she was extremely protective.

"Prissy, now's not the Time to act all bold and strong. Please Prissy, I beg you. Go behind those trees, Now!" I commanded as my gaze met with Rose.

All this while, Rose stood with a shocked expression. Her mouth slightly open from the absurd confrontation Prissy gave her.

"You too, Rose. Hide." I commanded breaking her from her frozen appearance.

But both of their neglects left us as open prey when the matching steps grew closer and appeared in front of us.

I drew out a pocket knife to attack but then saw it was only the missionaries. Three of them.

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