Chapter 1

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DATE: September 20th
Time: 11:44 AM
150 Miles off the coast of japan
Depth: 9000 Meters below sea level

Third Person POV

The deep blue was quiet, well quieter than usual. Something was swing around...something big...

The creature had just awoken from his 300 Million year nap.

He looked around the darkness which was only illuminated for a brief moment after using his atomic breath, not a thing in sight. "Where is mother and father?" He questioned something that cannot be answered at the time being

As we felt millions of years worth of sediment break off of his scales, he wondered. "How long was I asleep?"

He then felt a great pain..Hunger..but this colossal beast couldn't feed on anything regular, he needed...
Radiation...his life depended on this one energy source.

He listened to his instincts and felt an abundance of this titan food not too far away.

He wasted no time and ascended out of the depths. As he rose her saw more and more diverse life form, but only for a brief moment before they ran away...

He breached out of the water, feeling the sun hit his scales and skin. It felt wonderful after being asleep for so long.

He felt his joints crack and pop, being so stiff after not seeing movement for so long.

He submerged back into the water letting his sharp, knife like dorsal plates peek out of the water.  He swam at a speed of 70 knots (80 miles per hour) toward the radiation source he felt.


TIME: 12:14
Coastal nuclear plant,Japan

Many were in panic, there had just been a titan sighting off the coast of Japan. Many civilians in the nearby city were already in titan shelters but there was still fear. It had been decades since a titan had made landfall, especially at JAPAN of all places.

Monarch had already made preparations for this kaijus landfall. G-force, a branch of monarch specialized in deterring off Kaiju from cities was deployed. The USS Argo was circling the area along with its F-35 Squadron.

Maser tank were established along coastline waiting for the kaijus arrival and one destroyer was in the bay on lookout.

The tensions were high, everyone was on edge waiting and listening.

Suddenly the destroyer radioed in

Destroyer:"Kaiju spotted, permission to engage"

Back on the Argo was General Gyozen sitting down in the cockpit. She and Dr.Gojo were observing from a hologram war table of the area.

Gyozen: "You have permission to engage, show that bitch why you don't fuck with us~" Gyozen said with a smug face. Gojo groaned and rolled her eyes.

The destroyer fired its main ordnances, a salvo of depth charges and missiles.

The Kaiju roared in annoyance but ignored the discomfort. The missiles felt like pebbles being throw at his back

Destroyer: "Ordnances have no effect, I repeat no effect!"

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