Poopy Diapers

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Louis POV

I had just woken up with my head on Harry's chest. The shirt smelled just like him, and I was basking in the sent. That was until I realized I had drooled all over it. I hate being a baby, and what's worse is I ruined my favorite shirt of Harry's!

Then I realized why I was awake, I had to take a crap. My first thought was to just get up and use the bathroom, but that stupid shot Taylor gave me prevented me from walking. And I didn't want to leave Harry's arms. I guess I'll just hold it then.

I watched my beautiful, gorgeous, hot AF, boyfriend flutter open his equally beautiful green eyes. I gave him a smile, and wiped my mouth off. I blushed and he just kissed my cheek.

"You wanna watch your princesses now Lou?" Harry lightly teased in a deep husky morning voice.

"You heard that?" He just hummed in response.

We were having a wonderful time until Miss attempted boyfriend stealer walked in.

"Time to wake up my sunshines! We're playing candy land now!"

When we made it downstairs Liam and Niall had the game all set up on the coffee table. Harry was carrying me as I absolutely refused to leave his arms. He sat me down on his lap and Taylor sat right next to us.

I could feel the pressure start to build in my bowls, so naturally I started squirming around on Harry's lap. I would stop and start every once in a while. What I did not expect was Harry's hard dick to be pressing against my diapered butt.

While playing candy land there were only four pieces so me and Harry were a team. Damn, I needed to take a shit. And there was no way in hell that I was doing it in my- no not mine the nappy.

"I gotta go potty!" Niall suddenly said jumping up. Taylor was just as fast to stand up and accompany him to the bathroom.

I squirmed more on Harry's lap but this time it was intentional to go right on his penis.

He moaned, I was not expecting that.

"Guys I'm right here please stop" Liam said blushing slightly.

We blushed too and Harry slid me off of his lap.

Taylor came back in with Niall who looked very accomplished.

We continued to play the game and I kept shifting, but I wasn't on Harry's lap this time, I was on Taylor's.

"Oh honey do you have to go potty?" She asked, and I blushed.

"Do you have to go poo poo?" I got impossibly redder.

"Oh baby it's okay, do you want mama to help?" I immediately shook my head, not like she would listen to me though. She pressed her hand to my abdomen. And she was putting way too much pressure on me for me to hold it. I hate this woman, she made me shit my damn pants!

"Good job baby! Mama will change you now!" She picked me back up and brought me upstairs.

Ugh, I was so embarrassed! I couldn't look anyone in the eye. I felt like I would cry, but that would just make me look even more like a baby.

She put me down on the changing table with my face extremely red.

"Oh, baby, you don't need to be embarrassed! Here, how about you hold this stuffie while mama changes you" she handed me this soft grey bunny. It did help, but not like I would ever let her know that.

I pressed the bunny to my face, then just keeping one of its ears in my mouth. She was actually gentle changing me. She tapped a new diaper on me, but this one was bigger than the other ones. I couldn't close my legs at all, and it went up higher on me so you would see my diaper peaking over my pants no matter what.

She picked me back up and set me on her hip and carried me back downstairs.

"Sweetie, how about you use a paci instead of your bunny's ear" she said grabbing a princess pacifier.

I spit the ear out immediately not realizing it was still in my mouth. She took that opportunity to slip the dummy in my mouth. It wasn't that bad, it was a little bit comforting.

"Do you want to watch princesses now" Taylor asked carrying me to the living room. I was quickly getting tired for some reason, so I just nodded my head into her shoulder.

Taylor POV

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I think Louis is slipping into head space! But this time it's not forced! Oh I'm so excited, I hope no one screws this up. I swear, if anyone takes him out of headspace.

I sat down on the couch and sat my little baby on my lap. He cuddled into me while I put on tangled. He saw the princesses hair and pointed at the screen.

"Yeah baby, do you like her hair? It's pretty huh"

He nodded his head and put his arm down. Then he did the most precious thing, he put his thumb in his mouth and started sucking on it! Even though it was sweet, it was far from sanitary, so I grabbed a paci and took his thumb out. He whined and then blushed, I slid the paci into his mouth.

He gave it an experimental suck and then relaxed and continued watching. Awwwww! He was too adorable!

Louis POV

Wtf was I doing! I was willingly sucking on a pacifier and watching princesses. Flynn Ryder had always been my favorite, he had a nice smoldering face. And pascal was so funny. If Rapunzel never cut her hair, how long were her pubes? Wait eww that's disgusting I don't wanna think about that.

The paci was soothing and I was tired it wouldn't be bad to fall asleep, and Taylor's lap was comfortable. Wait! When the heck did I get on mama's lap. No, not mama, Taylor, her name was mama, no no no! It was Taylor, right? I don't remember anymore, it doesn't matter anyway, mama and dada would take care of everything, he didn't have to worry about anything ever again.

With that thought I finally allowed myself to relax and I fell asleep on Taylor's lap.

She was comfy alright.

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