She Has Friends?

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Harry POV

"Hey Harry?" Taylor asked me while we were all in the living room watching TV.

"Hmm" is all I said turning to face her.

"I'm inviting my friend over today!" This could be our chance to escape!

"I told her all about this" she said waving her hand over all of us. "So you don't have to worry about anything!" Shit.

A few hours later the doorbell rings.

"Coming!" Taylor yelled getting up from the couch running to the door. She opened the door and embraced this girl a little shorter than her.

"Emma! It's so good to see you! I missed you so much!"

"Me too girlie! Are we still doing the thing we talked about? You know I've always wanted kids" wait what? What are they talking about?

"Yeah of course, just not the blonde one"

"Why not?"

"I got a little attached, anyway wanna meet the family?"

"Duh!" She said walking towards me.

I waved politely and she gave me a giant hug, I didn't miss the jealous look in Taylor's eyes when she did.

"Okay, okay, enough of Harry come meet the babies!" Taylor exclaimed pulling us apart.

Did she think Emma like's me? I hope not, I have enough girls trying to get with this gay man. And what the hell is emma going to try to get, we are in a remote cabin in the woods.

Zayn POV

This has got to be the worst few days of my life. I was kidnapped with my best friends, taken to this psycho's house in the woods. And seen her naked waaaay to many times.

Somehow I had escaped being with her every second, but Harry had no such luxury. I was snooping around in her room trying to see if I could find the keys. When my eyes landed on the plaid skirts sitting in a draw. My eyes lingered on them for a few minutes. I ran my hands over them and they were extremely soft.

Ever since we filmed the best song ever music video, where I got to wear a skirt, I had been looking into cross dressing. I loved the feeling of a skirt on my body. But sadly I haven worn a skirt since then, I just couldn't get the courage to buy one. My Pinterest board is full of guys wearing skirts though. Maybe I could just try it on to see if it fit.

I looked around just to be sure no one was there, then grabbed the skirt. It looked like it should fit, it might be a little tight though. I slipped off my pants and folded them neatly, then placed them on top of the dresser. I took a deep breath and slipped the skirt up my legs. It fit like a glove. I walked over to a mirror my hands shaking a bit. I looked at myself, and I couldn't help but smile. I felt like me.

The skirt made my butt look huge, made my curves more prevalent, and showed off my legs. The skirt looked perfect, it was a pink, pleated, short, skirt, and I loved it. I never wanted to take it off.

I was smiling so hard it felt like my jaw was going to break. Then someone opened the door.

Harry POV

I followed Taylor and Emma around the house while Taylor gave her a house tour, each time we passed one of the boys she looked like she was evaluating them. She really looked like she had the hots for Paul, which was insanely disturbing.

"And then this is my room!" Taylor said opening the door. I gasped at what I saw.

Zayn was standing there in the middle of the room, wearing a skirt? He had a giant smile on his face, but when he noticed we were there it disappeared. I mean I've seen him wear one before, but I didn't know he liked doing it.

Zayn POV

Taylor, Harry, and some other person, were standing right in front of me. I felt a blush creep up on my face. I put my hands in front of my- well not actually mine, but Taylor's skirt.

Everyone gasped, I was so embarrassed. I don't think I would ever forget this moment.

"That one! I want him!" The other girl yelled pointing towards me.

"Perfect! I'll get a bag!" Taylor said walking away.

"What?" I asked confused

"You are just too cute! Don't worry we'll go home soon!" She said walking towards me, I backed up.

"Emma, what are you planning to do?" Harry asked tentatively.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it sweetheart!" She gushed looking at Harry.

"Alright I got you a bag, feel free to take any of my clothes!" Taylor said handing Emma a duffel Bag.

"I will, do you mind if I take Paul with me as well?" wait, is she taking me?

"I don't care go ahead!" Taylor said.

"Zayn, go ahead and pick out some skirts!" Taylor said turning to me.

My face flushed bright red again, and I stammered out a response.

"O-oh n-no th-th-that's o-okay"

"Well then I'll just pick them for you!" She said grabbing a few and putting them in the bag.

"Alright baby, let's go get your daddy then we can leave!" Emma said grabbing my wrist.

"Wait! No! Why do I have to go with you?" I said trying to loosen her grip on my wrist.

"Well Taylor accidentally got you all involved in the kidnapping, she knew I always wanted a family, so she offered for me to take a few of you!"

She pulled me into the living room where Paul was.

Taylor gave her the gun, and she pulled it up to Paul's head. He looked a little scared, then his eyes traveled to me. I was so far from comfortable showing myself in a skirt to other people.

"Now you're going to get in the car with me, and you're going to drive me and our baby to a house about half an hour away" she said. Paul stood up and we walked out to her car.

She opened to back door and helped me into a kids car seat. Then shut the door and got in the passenger seat. Paul got in and she kept the gun to him the whole ride.

We got to the house, which blended into the woods. And Emma got out of the car and opened my door. She undid the seat belt with the click of a button.

Then she picked me up and I let out a squeak. How was she able to pick me up? I'm really not thin or skinny.

She placed me on her hip and my skirt rode up exposing my purple undies. I squeaked again and pulled it down, it was pretty short.

It was an understatement to say that I was scared.

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