Baby Lou and Ni?

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Harry POV

I sat with Louis in my arms for a little longer just rocking him. Then he started fussing, just like a baby would, which was a little alarming. He moved closer to me and I thought that was it, but then he latched onto my nipple that was underneath my shirt. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. I pealed him off me, and he let out a whine and tried to suck it again. I shook him awake and he groggily opened his eyes. I chuckled lightly picking him up and going downstairs.

"Aww did you wake up sweetheart? You've got a little bit of bed head huh" Taylor said combing her fingers through his hair. Then she took him from me, pulling his head onto her shoulder.

She put him down into the highchair and strapped him in, then tied a bib around his neck that said mama's baby. We were having spaghetti, so Louis also got to eat that with us. By the end of lunch Louis and Niall had sauce all over their faces, Louis somehow managed to get some in his hair.

Taylor giggled "Niall, we should get you. Bib just like Lou's, Hey wait that's not a bad idea!" Niall was pretty pale to begin with, but hearing that sentence made him into a ghost.

Taylor got up and ran upstairs, flying up three steps at a time. She came down a few minutes later with a shot and some of Louis's baby cloths.

She set them down on the kitchen counter and grabbed a bottle out of the fridge, she popped it into the microwave, then test the temperature on her wrist.

"I'm gonna do this so you can go feed him, it's still breast milk" She said as she handed it to me. I soften my eyes at Niall who was too fixed on the needle to even notice. I picked up Lou and went to the living room after wiping his face with a napkin.

Taylor POV

Personally, I would have rather had just Harry and I together, but there's seven of us living here so might as well have fun with it.

Obviously Louis would be the little sibling, because even though he kept telling everyone he was 5'9 he was really 5'6. He was the smallest of the group I was taller than both him and Niall. Niall was actually 5'9, so naturally he was going to be Louis' older brother, but not by much, Louis functions at about the level of a one year old, so I was planning to make Niall about three. The shot I'm going to give him will only give him bad motor skills, then I'm going to do so hypnotism on him.

"All of you except Niall, can leave now!" I said extremely happy. He looked terrified, maybe he had a fear of needles? I'm not sure though, I hope he's not scared of his mama, actually wait I do want him to be a little scared of me!

"Aww baby, are you scared? Do you want to be with dada while mama gives you your shot?" I asked sweetly.

He nodded timidly then asked "w-what's that gonna do?"

"It's going to make you more of mama's little boy!" I said then I cleaned his face off with a napkin. "Let's go see dada now!" I said taking his hand and walking out to the living room where Harry had a sleeping baby on his lap, and a mostly finished bottle on the coffee table.

"A certain little one is scared and wants his daddy!" I said entering the room holding Niall's hand. To which his face turned bright red. They all looked at us and I guided Niall to sit next to Harry. He held Harry's hand even though he was embarrassed. I cleaned his arm where I was going to give it to him. I stuck it in him really quick, and he started crying. He woke Louis up as I put a finding Nemo band aid on his arm.

Louis POV

I was fed a goddamn bottle and about halfway through finishing it I slipped into unconsciousness. I was rudely awoken for the third time today by some loud crying directly in my ear! I was confused and tired so I just started crying as well. Harry looked a little alarmed, but then he picked me up into a sitting position and started bouncing me to calm me down. It worked and I stopped crying only to notice it was Niall crying and Taylor was holding an empty shot.

That woman had pulled Niall onto her lap and was comforting him by rocking back and forth. Oh god did she give him the same shot she gave me? I hope not, Niall's to sweet to be forced to do this. I felt something poking at my lips and realized Harry, of all people, was trying to get me to finish the bottle!

Hell no! I spit it right out, and it hit Niall, and he started crying again. Then I started crying, then Niall heard me crying again and he started crying louder, then I started crying louder. Zayn put his hands over his ears, and Harry looked like he wanted to rip his ears off.

Everything is great everything is fooking great.

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