Settling In

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Taylor POV

After Emma left I realized that I hadn't spent a lot of time with my babies today! I should go find them.

I walked around for a bit, and saw Louis standing up by grabbing the arm of the couch. I squealed and he whipped his head to face me. Then lost his balance and fell on his butt. I saw tears gather in his eyes, but it looked like he was trying to hold them back from cascading down his cheeks.

"Oh baby it's okay!" I cooed picking him up and rocking him in my arms. He looked really agitated when I did this, but I was just parenting.

I walked over to the clock in the kitchen, it said it was about ten am.

"Looks like it's just about time for your nap!" I cooed to the little boy in my arms.

Louis POV

I was trying to see if I had enough mobility to walk a little bit, but then that woman came and ruined everything!

She was now saying I need a nap, which I definitely don't.

"Looks like you need a change too!" She said patting the front of the diaper. Which was so weird and creepy on so many levels!

She carried me up to my room and laid me down on the changing table. She took off my nappy and then screamed for some reason? I looked at what she was screaming at. I was peeing on her! Finally she got some karma! But I didn't feel when I had to pee, but if she was suffering that thought could be pushed aside for the moment.

Harry came running upstairs because he heard someone screaming, but once he realized it was Taylor he looked relived.

"Harry! You need to change him! He peed on my shirt! Ughh!" She said throwing her shirt on the floor.

"Did you do that one purpose?" Harry asked trying to stifle a laugh as soon as Taylor walked out of the room.

I just smiled. He chuckled a bit. Then started putting a diaper on me. As soon as he was done he tickled my sides. I giggled, I was extremely ticklish. I was so content just being alone with my beautiful boyfriend. Even if it was under... strange circumstances.

Then of course Taylor came in and ruined everything.

"Hi my loves! Is someone all clean now?" She cooed at me, Ugh I hate her.

"Do you wanna go downstairs and play with your bubba?" She cooed again. And who the hell was she calling 'bubba'. Oh right. Niall.

Anyway she asked me, but I also had zero say in the matter. Honestly when people talk to babies like this do they also want to shrink and go hide in a hole?

She carried me downstairs and I saw Niall sitting on the floor, relaxing, watching MHA, which he quickly switched to golf as soon as he saw us. A blush creeping up on his cheeks.

Taylor quickly deposited me on the couch and grabbed the clicker from Niall.

"That show is way too inappropriate for you!" She said sternly.

"What do you want to watch?" She asked us

"Anime?" Niall asked a little scared and a little agitated.

"Lou watch pwincesses!" I spoke suddenly.

Where the hell did that come from! Why was I speaking in third person, and why did I say I wanted to watch princess! I don't want to do that.

What did she do to me.

"I'm sorry Lou, but it's your nap time Ni-Ni gets to pick, after you wake up you can watch princesses" She cooed, Harry picked me up and I cuddled right into his chest. He carried me upstairs and into his and Taylor's room-which still gave me chills- but being with my hot as hell boyfriend made it much better.

We layer down in each other's arms just appreciating the other. And that's how we fell asleep.

Niall POV

I was happily enjoying my secret obsession, anime, but Taylor came in and ruined everything. I have no idea what she did to me but it took me TEN MINUTES to work the goddamn remote. Louis was much worse, he couldn't stand up on his own, let alone control a remote. He and Harry went upstairs, and then Taylor turned to face me.

"What do you want to watch honey-bear?" She asked me.

"Anime" I said with a blush coating my cheeks

"No way. That's way too inappropriate, how about paw patrol!?!?" She was way too much all the time. I definitely didn't want to watch paw patrol.

I just shrugged as I didn't want to make her angry. Of course she turned it on. How could I get out of this?

"Could we go play football with Liam?" I asked

" that's a great idea! Let's get dada to play with us too!!" She went upstairs and I got up and found Liam reading a book.

"Hey Taylor tried to force me to watch paw patrol so now we're playing footie wanna join?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" he said putting his book down and getting up.

Taylor came back and unlocked the door and we got outside and the air was so fresh and clean with all the trees around.

"Dada's taking a little nap with Lou-Lou" she said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

Liam POV

We played a few rounds, Taylor and Niall on a team and then just me. Niall was getting really into it and messed up his footing, so his foot got on the ball and he fell backwards. Taylor was at his side in a matter of seconds. I saw tears gather in his eyes and Taylor pulled him onto her lap.

It looked like she was comforting him, but then he started to actually cry.

Taylor POV

I took this as an opportunity to hypnotize him. It looked like I was just whispering sweet nothings into his ear, but I wasn't.

"Now you will call me mama, and Harry is dada, you are three years old, the bathroom is now the potty" I repeated these things over and over. His crying eventually tapered off.

"Let's go back in, I think this was enough time outside for today!" I said standing up with Niall in my arms.

Liam went with us inside. I decided to put him down for a nap as the hypnotizing would sink in better if they went to sleep right after. I laid him down on the toddler bed in Louis' nursery.

This is going to be so much fun

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