Chapter 23 - A slight change in the persona

Start from the beginning

After a few minutes, Deon could see the door to the training grounds open and saw Jaykar walking in a bit haggard. Did something happen while he was gone? Why did Jaykar look like that, nothing happened to him in the original either.

"Sir Arut.."

"First Corps Commander. I was going to ask you about the person I tossed to you a week ago but it seems you're in a bit of a pain."

(A/N): sorry guys... my timing sucks i actually forgot how long its been in this fanfic so if the days change randomly thats my fault. but it should be a day earlier or on time with the original plot

Deon pointed at Jaykar's left arm and abdomen. He could see Jaykar hugging his abdomen in pain and his left arm was still bleeding even though it was tightly bandaged up, he wondered what type of monster got Jaykar this hurt.

"It's alright, I'll explain it to you as we go out. I just wanted to check on my corps members."

"Very well then."


"First I'll explain the information we got from them. Though it may not be a lot since they were practically a pawn like you assumed."

Jaykar explained the information he had gotten. From when the man obtained and became a person who held a hero fragment and who his sponsor was from behind the scenes.

'So he was one of Starbe's pawns. That was something new, but it's not enough. I already know he was sent by the Emperor and now it does make a bit more sense as to why he was sent here.'

Deon could easily assume the reason why the assassin was sent here to the Demonic Realm. The Emperor must've found out that the man was one of Starbe's men and ordered him to go on a suicidal mission in order to get rid of him.

"Then, explain why you're in such a state."

"I am ashamed to say this but while I was sent to patrol a village that was near the Human Realm, two mysterious men appeared and looked around for something or someone and then proceeded to destroy the village. I could barely fight them off, their strength might even be on par with one of the sovereigns here."

'...Oh shit, that might be my fault..'

Deon recalled when he had given Eruhaben and Choi-Han instructions on where 'Cale Henituse' was at. Well it was a trick answer since he was Cale Henituse.

"Do you think I'd be able to fight them? It sounds fun."

Jaykar immediately turned to Deon who had just said that. He could see the white-head smiling as if the world was nothing but a game while his eyes were duller than usual.

"...Since Sir Arut is right behind his majesty in terms of strength, it could be possible."

With hesitation, Jaykar answered back. He had heard from other people that when Sir Arut's eyes went dull it meant that it'd be a dangerous situation and he should be careful. Of course he wasn't aware that half of it was acting and half of it was a genuine question.

Deon wanted to see the faces on the others if he ever decided to fight them one on one. What would their reaction be, what would they feel, and would they regret doing that to him? But at the same time he knew he was weak when it came strength.

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