chapter 22

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A few minutes passed, and Maya heard an engine outside, followed by a knock on the door. "Allie can you answer it I'll be down in just a minute." She called down to her sister as she quickly put on her converses and grabbed her bag.

Quickly skipping down the stairs, she could already hear Brady and her sister talking, something about the volleyball game and Brady's car.

When she rounded the corner, she locked eyes with the brown haired boy at the door, who all of a sudden seemed at a lost for words. he swallowed, trying to say something, but his eyes pretty much did all the talking.

"Hi." The brunette girl smiled softly, feeling embarrassed under the boys gaze, and her sisters too. Allie only smirked as she looked between the boy and the girl, noticing how Brady seemed to be looking at her sister up and down like she personally hung the stars in the sky.

"Hi." Brady managed to say, slowly coming back to reality, "You look really nice." A blush crept across the girls cheeks, making her look down at her shoes as she whispered a quiet 'thank you', "We should probably get going. My mum is waiting for us." They both bid goodbye to Allie, before Brady opened his car door for Maya to get in, like always.

Once he had driven away, the boy spoke up, "You do look really pretty Maya. Prettier than I imagined." Brady said the last part in a quieter tone, but it didn't go unheard by the brunette girl.

Did I hear that right?

Does that mean he's imagined me in a dress?

I must be imagining things.

"Does that mean you've imagined me in a dress before?" Maya's eyes widened as the words slipped past her lips, not giving her time to process what she just said. Brady smirked, not taking his eyes off the road.

"I would be lying if I said I haven't pretty girl." The brunette girls mind went blank. Never in a million years did she think she's find herself being so forward, let alone getting a response back. It was like sending a risky text and getting an either riskier one back. Not that she had ever done that. She was too much of an over thinker.

The two teenagers fell into some what comfortable silence after Brady's confession, and it wasn't long before the boy was pulling up to the house. Maya marvelled at how big the house was. Sure most houses is New Jersey were big but the Noon's house was beyond what she expected.

Like always, the brunette jogged around to the passengers side to open the door for the girl, as his mother opened the house door to greet them. Brady led the girl over to hid mother, who disregarded her son completely and pulled Maya in for a nice hug. Brady was the spitting image of the dark haired woman in front of Maya, who wore a warm smile and made the girl feel all warm inside.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Noon." The girl greeted the woman politely once she had pulled away from the embrace. The woman tsked with a smile, "No need for mrs my dear, just call me Diane."

Following behind the woman into the house, Maya couldn't help but look around at all the picture frames hanging on the walls: the twins when they were little; a young blonde girl who she assumed was their Brady's older sister; the whole family. The brunette girl liked how comfortable the house felt. It felt like a home, unlike her that was just four walls and a roof, with two girls inside, parents barely present.

Maya hadn't noticed she had spaced out until Diane called the 'kids' to come down. Seconds later Connor and the blonde girl from the picture came down the stairs. Connor smiled brightly when he say Maya, going to give her a hug.

"Hey Maya, glad you could make it. Brady was worried you wouldn't want to come over." The boy smirked at his twin brother, while earning a light whack on the head from his mother.

The brunette girl laughed, "Hi Connor. 'Course I'd come over. But why are you wearing Brady's clothes?" She questioned as she looked the boy up and down. He was wearing his twins volleyball shorts and Patagonia tshirt, that the girl recognised from the day she met the twins in the gym hall.

"I switch places with Brady too much." He shrugged before he was pushed out of the way by his sister, who wanted to greet the girl.

"It's nice to finally meet you, I'm Madison. You must me Maya, Brady talks a lot about you." The blonde girl said once she had hugged Maya, who smiled sweetly at the girl, "It's nice to meet you too. Only nice things I hope." The girl laughed as she looked at Brady, who in that moment resembled a cherry tomato.


After all the greetings, everyone went outside, where Brady's dad already had the barbecue going. The man approached Maya, who outstretched her hand to greet the man. He shook her hand in return, a kind smile on his face.

"Hi Mr. Noon, it's nice to meet you." The man chuckled. "Oh please there's no need for pleasantries, call me Patrick." Maya nodded kindly at the man, who glanced over at his son with what seemed to be a proud smile, but she couldn't really tell.

As Maya went over to join Brady, Connor and Madison on the lounge chairs, she noticed the blonde girl talking to Brady, in a hushed tone. She was only able to make out the phrase 'She's nice Brady, don't mess it up'


authors note
i would like to make it clear that i do not know the name of brady's parents, these names are made up
also, i love bold brady hehehe 🤭
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