chapter 21

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Maya found herself lazily laying on the living room sofa on Friday morning. Classes had been cancelled due to a broken water pipe, meaning that she had a prolonged weekend.

After scrolling through tiktok for a while, her stomach growled, giving her the indication that she should probably have breakfast instead of feeding herself fake social media standard, dances and Thomas Brodie-Sangster edits.

"Hey Allie, I'm making breakfast, what do you want?" The girl shouted up to her sister, who was probably nose deep in her anthropology text book. Not a second later, she heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and Allie appeared around the corner as she walked into the kitchen.

"Pancakes?" The older girl suggested as she pulled out the bag of flour. Maya nodded in agreement, and they both started navigating the kitchen, taking out eggs and cartons of milk. In the midst of everything, Maya decided to put on some music to drown out the silence. 'Pink Matter' by Frank Ocean started playing from the kitchen, making Allie stop what she was doing to listen.

She turned to her sister, "Since when do you listen to Frank Ocean?" She questioned. Maya shrugged, "Brady put me on it. He listens to Frank Ocean a lot in the car so I've started to listen to it, it's not bad." The older nodded in understanding, a small smile on her face as she looked at her little sister.

Allie had watched Maya grow up more than their parents had; they were always away on business trips and had almost no time for their daughters. Both girls pretended to be fine with it but in reality it was always something present in the back of their minds.

Allie remembered picking her sister up after her first day of freshman year, watching as she walked to the car, head down, before she burst into tears. The older girl had been Maya's sole comfort during her years of high school, where she'd come home, and when asked the question 'how was school?' she would reply with 'it was fine' before isolating herself in her room.

She'd wanted nothing more than for her sister to have an enjoyable high school experience; to go to parties, make friends, go to football games. But that all seemed so far away whenever she looked at Maya. The girl who was scared of making friend for the fear of being judged. And now all of a sudden, Maya had a group of friends, who cared about her. And a boy that would do whatever it takes to protect her.

"Are you okay Allie?" Maya questioned as she placed a hand on her sisters shoulder. The older girl had spaced out, her eyes distant. She snapped back to reality, flashing the brunette girl a smile. "Yeah I'm fine, sorry, I just got sidetracked." She reassured going back to whisking the pancake batter.

"Something on your mind?" The brunette girl inquired, while she continued to make breakfast. Allie smiled as she answered has sisters question, "Just the fact that you're finally happy at school, and that you've got nice friends, that you feel comfortable around."

Once they had made their pancakes, and had their fill, Maya went up to her room to take a shower. As she was taking off her pyjamas, her phone rang from where its was on her bedside table. Picking it up, the called ID read 'brady'.

"Hey Brady, what's up?" She spoke when she answered the phone, putting it on speaker so she couldn't continue doing what she needed to do. The boys voice came through not a second later, "Hey M, what're you up to?" Brady questioned. Other voices could be heard from his side of the phone, and Maya guessed it was probably his siblings and his parents.

I'm not going to tell him I was going to take a shower.

"Was about to change out of my pyjamas." She replied.

❝ like that was any better Maya ❞

Hey okay author technically you wrote it

❝ damn you got me there ❞

"Okay well are you doing anything this afternoon?" Another question came from the boys end of the phone.

Maya laughed, "You're full of questions today. And no, I'm not doing anything in the afternoon Brady." She heard a hum from the boys line, followed by a woman talking, who she assumed was the boys mother.

"Okay great. Since you're not doing anything, would you like to come over for dinner? My parents are having a barbecue so I thought I'd invite you."

The girl didn't know what had come over her when she didn't hesitate to accept the boys invite, "Yeah I'd love to Brady." She could practically hear the boys smile once she had said yes.

"Great. I'll pick you up in 30. See you in a bit M."

Once she had bid the boy goodbye and hung up, she rapidly stepped out of her pyjamas, going into the bathroom to take a shower.

After what seemed like 3 hours but in reality was only 15 minutes, the brunette girl stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in her towel, making her way over to her wardrobe.

She had no idea what to wear, and Brady hadn't given her any indication of what type of barbecue it was. Casual? Dressy? She was absolutely clueless.

The girl looked at her dresses, wondering if it would seem too much if she showed up in one. After several minutes of pondering, she settled on a form fitting long dress, the beige material hugging the girls body in a not over the top way. It was simple, nothing fancy.

While she was doing her skincare, Allie came into her sisters room, stopping dead in her tracks when she found her in a dress. "Who died?" The girl questioned sarcastically. Maya turned around, smiling at her sister as she put away her beauty products.

"No one, fortunately. Brady coming to pick me up in a bit, he invited me to dinner at his house." Allie's eyes grew wide as the words came out of her little sister mouth, "I hope you don't mind me going."

The older girl shook her head, "Of course I don't mind. I'm actually surprised that you said yes." Maya raised a brow at her sisters comment, "I like Brady, of course I'd say yes."

Oh shit that came out wrong


authors note
i can't be the only one that starts listening to the songs my friends blast in the car right?
we love maya and allie's bond 🥹
don't forge to vote!

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