chapter 5

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The next morning, Maya got out of bed bright and early, with a skip in her step as she took a shower, put on her clothes and made her way downstairs for breakfast.

Her conversation with the Noon brothers yesterday had been completely and utterly unexpected, to say the least, and she never would have expected them to invite her to sit with them.

She knew Brady was in almost all of her classes, so she's be seeing more than just at lunch.

The brunette girl couldn't really wrap her head around why the boys were so interested in getting to know her. No one had even shown that much interest in even being close to her.

Once she reached the kitchen, she filled the kettle with water and popped it on to boil so she could make herself some coffee.

As Maya waited for the water to boil, her phone started ringing, making her snap out of her daydreaming to answer the call from Penelope.

"Hey P. How are you?" The brunette girl asked as she set her phone down and put it on speaker.

"Hey Maya. I'm great! How have you been?" Maya could practically see the blonde girls smile through the phone.

"I've been alright. But something really out of the blue happened yesterday." Penelope let out a hum, signalling that she was listening, "Volleyball season started up again yesterday and two of the boys came up to me while I was sketching, and they seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me."

Penelope let out a scream from her side of the phone, "Oh my gosh Maya that's amazing! What are they're names? Are they cute? I need to see their Instagram!" The blonde girls você went one octave with each question, making the girl chuckle as she poured the now hot water from the kettle into her flask.

"They're twins, Brady and Connor. Brady's kinda cute, he's on the volleyball team, and coincidentally in all my classes, but I never noticed him. I'll send you their Instagram handles so you can stalk them. They asked me to sit with them at lunch."

Maya continued talking to her friend as she made her breakfast, eating it in quick bites before grabbing her bag, drink and keys and heading to the car.

"I'm driving to school now P so I'll call you later alright?" The brunette girl put the key in and turned on the ignition, the motor starting.

"Alright Maya, keep me updated. Be friendly with them, and try and flirt with Brady. This just might be your break through." Penelope giggled, "And don't forget to send me their handles, I'm on detective duty."

Maya laughed as she bid goodbye to Penelope, before pulling out of the drive way and connecting her phone to the car to play music. 'Heartbeat' by Childish Gambino started playing through the speakers as the girl drove to school.

Once she had parked her car in the schools parking lot, she still had a few minutes before school started, so she opened Instagram and sent Brady and Connor's instagrams to Penelope.

God knows how nervous she was as she walked into school, hoping to not run into the twins so that she could compose herself. But as soon as she turned the corner to her locker, the two boys and their friends were all in a circle talking.

From the corner of his eye, Brady spotted Maya walking down the hall, giving her a small smile.

'This'll be interesting.' The girl thought.


authors note
i love penelope istg
also thank you all for 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800 reads!
don't forget to vote!

night changes ; brady noonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora