chapter 19

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After all of the celebrations, the teams went back into the changing rooms before heading to classes. As Brady and Brian walked into geography, everyone clapped for them as they took their seats, some students hollering and whistling.

Jenna came up to Brady, wrapping her arms around him in a flirty manner. Maya averted her eyes, fearing that she'd find herself staring for way too long and then get annoyed with the interaction.

"You played really well Brady." The girl said with a coquette tone, batting her eyelashes at the boy. Brady seemed to visibly tense, not enjoying the interaction.

He took the girls arms away from his body, "Thanks Jenna." He said lightly, not giving the girl the time of day. He had never liked the girl since the moment she started trying to get close with his and Connor. As much as the rest of the school seemed to worship her, the boy refused to take a liking to the cheerleader.

Gracie quickly spilled in beside you, apologising to the teacher for her late arrival. The redhead girl greeted Maya, before nudging her, jerking her head to indicate took at something. She turned around slowly, meeting the brown haired boys eyes. He quickly looked down at his textbook, the tips of his ears turning a light shade of pink.

She turned back to look at her desk partner, who smirked at her playfully. "Looks like someone has had their eyes on you for a while." Maya rolled her eyes.

Yeah right. As if Brady would ever have his eyes on me. It was just a coincidence.

"He would never like someone like me Gracie. The popular volleyball player and the loner girl trope doesn't work here." Now it was Gracie's turn to roll her eyes at her friends stubbornness. She knew for a fact that Brady was one hundred percent into the brunette girl, but she was completely in denial of the whole situation.

Brian noticed his friend looking over at Maya, smirking as he said, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Brady hung his head in embarrassment at being caught looking at the girl, shaking his head lightly, "But seriously dude, you should make a move. You seem to like her a lot." He looked at his friend, absolutely bewildered.

"I don't think she likes me like that man. I mean I would totally ask her out but she'd probably turn me down. She only sees me as a friend." Brady looked down at his notebook as he spoke, as to not seem to bothered by the whole situation, but in reality he was.

He'd grown to like the brunette girl in the short time they'd know each other, and really wanted to get closer, but he knew that she'd turn him down, and that he's not her type.

Brian groaned into his hands at his friends obliviousness, "Whatever you say man, but I highly doubt she'd turn you down."

It didn't take long for lunch time to roll around, and Maya found herself walking towards the table where the twins and the rest of the group were seated. Connor spotted the girl from across the room, singling to his twin brother, who quickly got up, pulling a chair to his side for her to sit.

"Hey everyone, mind if I join you?" The girl questioned as she smiled at the people at the table, who reciprocated her greeting.

"I'm pretty sure Brady just answered your question by eagerly pulling up a chair." Sophie spoke, giving the girl a sly look. The brunette girl laughed as she took a seat next to the boy, placing her tray of food and book down on the table.

The table fell back into comfortable chatter, various conversations going on around the group. Maya focused on the food in front of her, feeling slightly out of place with all of the conversations around her. As she ate, she let her mind wonder to earlier this morning, Jenna's words permanently engraved in her mind.

'Why would anyone ever be friends with a lowlife like her? She's not even pretty.'

Jenna's right, I don't belong with them.

Instantly, the girl got up, giving the excuse that she needed to go to the library to finish some work as she gave Brady a small smile while excusing herself, not wanting anyone to see the tear that trickled down her cheek.

Once she had gone, Brady turned to his friends with a puzzled expression, "Do any of you know if somethings wrong with Maya?" The table fell silent, especially Sophie and Connor, who glanced down at their plates.

The brown haired boy huffed, "Connor, Sophie, what's going on?"

The two of them looked at each other before looking at the boy, and Connor spoke up, "Before the game this morning, when May was with us on the front line, Jenna came up to Principal Bradford, when he told her that her name wasn't on the list, she looked over at us and saw Maya, and she assumed that you had been the one to invite her-"

"-and then she proceeded to say some not so nice things about her." The blonde girl finished. The boy stared at his friends in utter disbelief. "What did she say?" He questioned, looking between his brother and his friends girlfriend.

"She called her ugly, a lonely lowlife and that no one would ever want to be friends with her." Connor answered, genuinely scared of his brother. The moment those word left his mouth, Brady shot up from his seat, walking over to the cheerleaders table, jaw clenched. To say he was fuming was an understatement.

"Oh hey Bray, care to join us?" The girl smiled at the boy, hoping that he would sit down next to her.

He breathed out through his nose, trying his best to stay as calm as possible, "Why the hell did you have to say that to Maya? What the hell is your problem?!" The boy completely discarded the girls initial question, getting straight to the point; he didn't want to have to make this interaction any longer than necessary.

The canteen fell silent, Brady's voice echoing off the walls.

"What are you talking about- oh you mean when I called her a lonely lowlife? Well I mean I'm not wrong." The girl laughed, as did her little minions sitting around the table.

"Do you you think you're any fucking better Jenna? You're the lowlife, not Maya. They-" He pointed to the girls around her, "-follow you around to make you seem popular but in reality no one likes you. You're pathetic Jenna, and I better now hear you say anything else about Maya, because you know I could do much worse." With that Brady walked over to his table, slung his backpack over his shoulder and went off to find Maya.


authors note
oh my gosh look at this long chapterrrr 🤯
i'm going to start writing longer chapters since i'm finally out of my writers block!
this is the end of sad maya i promise! (but being oblivious is still strong)
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