chapter 3

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The bell rang signalling the end of last period, everyone started rising from their seats and darting out of the school doors as quick as they could.

Maya took her time, packing up her bag and making her way through the emptying school halls to the gym hall; which to her luck, was empty. She sighed in relief as she walked down the steps to the far corner of the viewing stands.

Taking out her sketchbook and pencil case, she positioned herself with her back against the wall and crossed her legs to rest her sketchbook in her lap. She put her headphones on, pressing shuffle on her 'sketching time' playlist before she submerged herself in her sketches.

She had recently started drawing people, rather than her usual landscapes and animals. She enjoyed drawing people, being able to give them any features and characteristics she wanted.

After a few minutes of sketching, the brunette girl started to hear voices over the music coming from her headphones. She took them off, looking around the gym, but no one was there. All of a sudden a group of boys, the volleyball team, came walking into the gym hall, their voices echoing off the walls.

Maya sighed in defeat, realising that her peaceful spot was no longer what it used to be. She put away her headphones, looking over at the boys, situating themselves on either side of the nets. She really should have taken the volleyball nets set up in the hall as an indication.

They all started serving, while the coach shouted pointers at them over the noise of the balls hitting their arms, and the boys grunts. She watched as the ball flew from one side of the hall to the other with the mere force of the boys arms and hands.

On the other side of the gym hall, the brunette girl spotted a brown haired boy watching the practise. He looked identical to one of the boys on the team, more specifically the boy with the number 26 on his back.

The boy spotted Maya in the far corner of the gym hall, getting up and making his way over to her. As the boy approached her, he said, "Hi. I'm Connor." The boy stuck out his hand, which the brunette girl reluctantly shook.

He sat down beside her as he continued, "You're Maya right? You come here a lot don't you?" Maya gave Connor a weird look, one that read 'what the heck?!'

"I'm sorry how do you know my name? And how do you know I'm always here?" Connor seems to have a confused look on his face as he tried to form a reply in his head.

He cleared his throat, "You're in my brothers class, he's told me about you. And I know you're always here because my brother sees you come in here at the end of the day." His eyes widened slightly, like a lightbulb had just lit up, "Gosh that came out weird. He's not stalking you or anything, he just finds it odd how you come in here instead of going home." A weak smile pulled at the boys lips to try and make what he said sound less weird.

Maya let out a laugh, "And I'm guessing your brother is the liber right? Number 26?" They both looked over at the court, where the team was still practising.

"Yeah. That's Brady."


authors note
finally introduced connor! he's a sweetheart.
you'll be meeting brady soon :)
don't forget to vote!

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