chapter 15

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"Aaaand I kissed him on the cheeks before he left."

Allie couldn't hide the smile on her face as those words left her sisters lips. Maya groaned in embarrassment, shoving her head into a pillow, letting out a muffled scream.

"Calm down, it's fine. It's actually good that you did that, you're coming out of your shell- wait is that his hoodie?." The older girl questioned, making her lift her head out of the pillow.

"I don't know Allie, it was in the spur of the moment. That's not really a me thing to do, also, yes, it's his hoodie." She sighed as she ran a hand through her hair.

Allie pulled the girl to sit beside her, wrapping an arm around her, "No one knows you better than you m. But you should be happy, you seem really smiley when you're around him, I like that. Plus he gave you his hoodie?!"

The older girl did have a point. Maya had been surprisingly more happy around Brady since Penelope moved. She didn't feel as lonely. But the girl was worried that she'd made things awkward with the boy. He didn't seem uncomfortable, but she was worried nonetheless.

"I don't regret doing it, I'm just worried that I made things awkward." In the blink of an eye, Maya got up from her sisters bed, grabbing her phone and walking into the hallway.

She hesitated before pressing on Brady's contact, holding the phone up to her ear. After the first tone, the boys voice came through, "Hey M, are you okay?"

The girl breathed out slowly, "Hey Brady. I wanted to apologise for what I did when you brought me home, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

"You don't need to apologise Maya, you didn't make anything uncomfortable." The boy replied, making herlet out a deep sigh relief.

"Thank god, I was worried I'd made things awkward." The boy on the other side of the phone laughed lightly, making the girl raise as eyebrow, "I hope you don't regret it pretty girl, Connor said I got home bright red, if that's any consolation."

Maya was stunned by the boys words, blinking in surprise, "I guess that's some sort of consolation." The girl smiled, and she could guarantee that Brady could hear her smile through the phone, "I'll see you on Monday Brady, good night."

"Good night M." Were the boys last words before Maya hung up, sighing in relief as she walked back to her sisters room.

The older girl had a curious look on her face as the girl walked in, cheeks slightly tinted and the corner of her lips pulled up into a small smile.

"Soooooo, what did he say?" The girl inquired, eager to hear what the conversation was.

"He said that I didn't make things uncomfortable, and that he got home bright red, Connor's words not mine." The brunette girl answered, grabbing her shoes and bag off the floor, "I'm gonna take a shower it's been a long day, I'll be down in a bit for dinner."

Maya made her way into her room closing the door behind her. She let out a quiet squeal, before composing herself.

What is my life?!


authors note
two updates in two days?! who am i?!
what do yall think of this chapters? idk if i like it or not.
is it too much dialogue?
i promise the next ones will have a bit more descriptive and entertaining.
don't forget to vote!

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