chapter 8

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Brady slowly approached Maya. She had her head in her hands, her body slightly shaking with silent tears. The boy sat down beside her, gently putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey. Jenna doesn't know what she's talking about." The brunette girl lifted her head from her hands, wiping her tear stained cheeks with the sleeve of her hoodie.

"The funny part is, she does know what she's talking about." The girl sniffed as she looked down at her hands, "The only friend I ever had moved schools in 9th grade. And from then on no one ever approached me. No one ever talks to me. I'm seen as 'weird'."

Maya continued to look down at her hands, the silence encapsulating the both of them. After a moment of silence, the brown haired boy spoke up, "You're not weird Maya. And you're not alone. You've got Gracie, and Connor. And me. I know what it's like to feel like you've got no friends. It may not seem like it, but I've always been closed off, so making friends was never easy. But it doesn't always have to be that way."

The girl looked into the boys eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity. No one had ever said anything like that to her before; ever been so honest with her.

"It's difficult to open up. And when I'm able to, people just find me strange. Because I don't drink, or go to parties like normal teenagers my age." Both of them had already crossed they legs on the seats, now fully facing each other.

"You don't have to go to parties or drink. You can like drawing and staying at home. That doesn't make you strange. I actually think it makes you quite interesting." A light pink hue graced the girls cheeks as she smiled and looked down at her shoes.

Brady and Maya sat in silence looking at each other, letting the silence of the gym hall wrap around them.

"Hey you know what. From now on, you and Gracie should sit with us at lunch. You don't have to be alone anymore. And at the end of the day, I'll stay with you in the gym hall if you want to draw. I also might need some help with my maths work."

The brunette girl laughed as she ran a hand through her hair. She was genuinely thinking of taking up the boys offer. She'd never met someone who would willingly want to spend their time in the gym hall with her.

"I'll take you up on that offer Brady. Thank you." The girl gave the brown hairs boy in front of her a small smile.

The girl felt the boys fingers hook under her chin, lifting her head so that her eyes met his, "No need to thank me pretty girl, I enjoy your company."

Pretty girl?!

Oh my gosh why are my cheeks heating up?!

Maya's head went blank for a few seconds as she processed the nickname. She was trying her hardest to keep her blush at bay. After a few seconds of comfortable silence, the brunette girl looked at the boy in front of her, "Hey, promise me you won't leave. I could use a friend right now."

"I promise."


authors note
do we like the nickname? i think its cute!
i'm loving this so far, it's one of my favourite books i've written
don't forget to vote!

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