Chapter Two

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"Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby girl" The nurse smiled up at them cradling the baby in her arms.

"I want to see her" Camila smiled sleepily.

The nurse smiled standing up and placing the baby on Camila's chest.

"Welcome to the world princess" Camila smiled down at her little girl, her thumb wrapped up in the babies fist.

"She's beautiful" Lauren smiled tears forming in her eyes.

"Do you know what I love the most about her" Camila smiled up at Lauren.

"What's that?" Lauren smiled.

"That she is biologically both of ours" Camila smiled at Lauren and looked back down at her little girl.

"Yeah she is, we'll have to thank Chris again" Lauren smiled running her finger tips over the baby's head.

"I love my job, getting to witness moments like these are so beautiful" The nurse smiled at the young mothers.

Lauren and Camila never responded to her, they were too mesmerised by the little girl laying naked on Camila's chest.

"Did you have any names picked out?" The nurse asked pulling the girls from their thoughts.

They both looked at each other, then back down at the baby, they had both chose 3 boy names and 3 girl names for whatever the outcome was and said they would decide once the baby was born, when they glanced back up at each other they somehow just knew the name that they wanted, and was happy with their choice.

"Callie Michelle Jauregui" They both spoke together.

"You've had it planned for awhile" The nurse smiled upon hearing them speak and began writing down the name.

"We had a few different names, but that one just somehow fit" Lauren turned her head to look over at the nurse.

"It's a beautiful name" The nurse smiled.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Camila smiled down at the baby.

"Indeed she is beautiful, I'm just going to weigh her and clean her up and then we'll try and get her to feed okay" The nurse smiled walking over.

Camila just nodded at her, and the nurse lifted Callie from Camila's chest taking her over to the scales in the room.

"I'm so proud of you" Lauren smiled down at Camila, bending slightly to place a kiss on her forehead.

"I couldn't have done it without you" Camila smiled up at her, her eyes drooping from the exhaustion.

"I'll always be right here" Lauren smiled.

"You better" Camila smiled barely keeping her eyes open.

"Rest beautiful" Lauren smiled placing a kiss on Camila's forehead yet again.

And within seconds Camila had drifted off into a light sleep.

The nurse walked over with Callie all wrapped up in a blanket, and handed her over to Lauren.

"I'll leave Camila to rest for now while I go and check on my other patience, if she wakes before I come back then try and get her to feed okay" The nurse told Lauren.

"I will" Lauren nodded, her main focus on the small child in her arms.

"Could you do me a favour?" Lauren asked just before the nurse walked out of the room.

"Could you tell our friends and family we've had a little girl, and they can bring our daughter in here if they want to go home" Lauren smiled.

"Sure, I will" The nurse nodded.

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