69- A new Housekeeper

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Although I had lied so Rehaan could get some rest, everything actually started spiraling down on me once my body had relaxed.

I had laid down on the couch, hoping to get a shut eye for some minutes. However, the moment my eyes closed, the scenes started playing in front of me. My imagination converted every single thing I heard today into vivid images.

Tears fell from the side of my eyes and my throat clogged up. I sat up in an instant before I could choke or get dissipate in my own imagination.

I breathed loudly through my mouth, inhaling as much air I could. The imagery fortunately stopped after a few seconds. However, my train of thoughts didn't.

My parents were killed, not by accident but murder. Such a gruesome death, they must have suffered so much. Or was it actually peace for Mom? Her whole life was spent running away. Hopefully, she got some peace after death. Maybe, she even met dad up there and was having romantic ghostly dates.

I chuckled through my tears. If that actually happened, then it would be the best. I would be really happy if that were the case. At least, some good should come out of this nonsensical situation.

This was all I really cared about at this moment. Their deaths and their suffering. Unlike what my uncle thought, I wasn't angry about living a poor life. The fifteen years I spent with my mom were filled with love and joy. Who cared about being a heiress, I was happy being her daughter.

Same couldn't be said about the last seven years though. As much as I love Rehaan now, I cannot deny the fact that I struggled these years. Although it was necessary to hide as a housekeeper, it wasn't necessary to cause me such misery.

Even though I understood his reasons, I couldn't help but feel a bit resentful of the old Rehaan. I wouldn't be human if I didn't.

Maybe he was too. Maybe Rehaan was furious at his past self too.

"Stop always taking his side," I yelled at my own subconscious, before pathetically muttering, "stop making excuses for his behaviour."

I thought of him as a saviour for all these years; but he... he was just taking revenge. Revenge for something I didn't even do. Unlike him, I wasn't even aware of the drama our lives were webbed in.

In a way, he was still my saviour though.

After that fire or should I say killing, if Rehaan wasn't there to guide me,

~could a fifteen year old Muskaan be able to survive?

~Was she capable of making decisions on her own?

~Could she have left grieving aside to deal with the harsh truths behind the death of her parents?

~Was she capable of hiding from the psycho and dealing with the fear?

~would she be able to switch and change places at a single bat of the eye if something happened?
(Not even thinking about the amount of paperwork it must have required).

~Was she capable of finishing her own education in the midst of this mess?

~Could she have been able to go on with her life when she knew that there was a chance that she could get killed at any point of time?

The answer was no. A big fat 'No.' No doubt, I did a lot in these seven years. I lead a tiring life, but I wasn't in a constant state of fear. I was able to do that physical labour, because I knew that there was someone else to take care of the mental load.

Even without the knowledge of a psycho being behind our lives, there were so many tough decisions and calls I would have to make if Rehaan wasn't in the picture.

~Could I manage to make them on my own?

~Yeah. If I had no choice, then I would have to step up. But was it going to be extremely hard?


Despite being forced to, Rehaan did a lot for me. It would have been hard to survive without his help.

And he wouldn't have survived without yours too.

I chuckled, remembering his lack of skills required for day-to-day life. Although it might seem like nothing on the outside, the most ordinary tasks were actually the most important ones to survive.

~Would Rehaan even have time to perform the extraordinary things if someone wasn't taking care of his ordinary ones?

Complimenting myself? Of course, I am.

Even if no one does, at least I should know the value of my work.

Thinking about this and that, I didn't know when I laid back again and sleep took over me.

When I opened my eyes again, the sun had already risen up in the sky. A burning smell came out of it because it shined so brightly.

Burning? Sun?

Sleep evaporated from my mind as soon as it clicked me that the burning smell wasn't from the sun, but from the kitchen.

I ran towards the kitchen to see Rehaan scratching his head as the food burned in the front of him mercilessly. I quickly turned off the gas, before moving to open the windows to let out the smell.

I then moved back towards the stove to see the vegetables, or should I say black goo floating around in the saucepan.

"What the hell were you trying to do so early in the morning?" I asked, exasperated.

"It's my first day at work. Please ignore my clumsiness and mistakes. I will do better as I learn," Rehaan said, scratching his head in sheepishness.

"First day at work? What the fuck are you blabbing about? Did you lose your memory again?" I shouted with irritation, before worry filled my mind, "you didn't, right?"

He chuckled, "I have my memories intact," he said, making me sigh in relief.

"I have just taken this punishment upon myself until you decide one of your own," Rehaan said, pointing towards the whole house.


He smiled at me. Placing his palm on his heart, he announced,

"Say hello to your new Housekeeper, Ma'am."

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