63- The man from the dreams

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We will be the worst spies ever.

Rehaan and I decided to act like a normal couple on a night stroll, so that we could walk around the entire area and look out for the goons. However, we couldn't even pass the building's gate without being found out.

"What's with the weird expressions? You guys fought but are trying to act normal in front of me, aren't you?" The watchman asked, while wiggling his eyebrows teasingly at us.

I let out an uneasy laugh while Rehaan just sighed, before murmuring, "Let's just fight."

"What?" I mouthed as we walked ahead.

"Banter is what comes naturally to us. It is easy to fake a frown or shout nonsense then keep a normal happy face while we are actually scared. Let's have a fight while walking around." Rehaan suggested.

And we did just that.

Rehaan was right. We could fight about anything, anywhere and anytime. We didn't even need a script.

The best part- the more complicated the situation was, the more nonsense we bickered about. That was our forte.

Is that something to be proud about? My subconscious taunted me.

'It's something that is helping us,' I countered back.

Back answering your subconscious; real smooth Muskaan, real smooth.

Anyways, we did well with our act. Our fighting seemed genuine and because we were bickering, we could actually communicate what we found out, though in a twisted way.

"It's not the same thing," Rehaan yelled out in fake anger.

Not same, different, not sure...those were the words that kept repeating as we walked through. Among the ones we found, there were none who matched Rehaan's memories.

We found almost seven goons hiding in plain sight. There was a chance that there were more but were better at hiding.

"Yeah, I agree. It's not the same, it's worse than that," I yelled back to showcase our fake fight, "there's two. Two entirely different scars, on your back."

Two different culprits are behind us. One after my documents and the one behind the fire accident.

Even if Rehaan's memory about our parent's bodies was faulty, the chances of the goons, he saw in his dream being somehow involved in the case, were high.

He had seen them somewhere in the past. And seeing goons isn't something common. There was something old Rehaan had seen or confronted which was now coming forward in the form of messed up memories.

Rehaan's phone blinked. As soon as Rehaan saw it, he started fake apologizing. That was our signal of backing out. We needed to get out of the place, before the police came in.

Amidst the chaos, there was a great chance of goons attacking us in panic while trying to get away.

No, we didn't think of this brilliant consequence.

The police had warned us about it when we called them earlier. In fact, they had asked us to stay put at our homes and not go anywhere near the goons because it was dangerous.

But we aren't really obedient citizens, are we?

We listened to the part we wanted and threw away other cautions like they were garbage.

We almost made it back to the building when the sirens started blaring. As expected the goons jumped up from their hiding spots and started running here and there. Hearing the siren, the watchman also came out to see what was going on.

Pocket Full Of LiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora