67- Karma's a Bitch

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Rehaan suddenly seemed different.

There were a lot of things to contemplate about, to be concerned about. The things I was told today and the things that were deliberately being kept hidden even now. However, more than that I was more concerned about the fact that Rehaan's posture had hardened again.

His eyes still showed care, however his shoulders were now back to being rigid and strong; as if he was back to solving a situation as a lead; as if he carried the entire weight of the responsibilities on his shoulders.

It was as if I was seeing the mixture of Old and New Rehaan.


After fighting yet another battle with his consciousness, the first thing Rehaan asked was, "Did you ask him to leave?"

"He was gone before I left the kitchen," I informed him.

Probably to evade any more questions.

"Good." Rehaan nodded, before warning, "Stay away from him. Uncle or not, that guy is dangerous and highly unpredictable."

I wanted to argue with Rehaan's words. It didn't really seem like uncle wanted to hurt me. Of course, for some unknown reason, he was behind my identity, but his eyes showed genuine concern.

I thought against disagreeing with him right away. We didn't need a fight right now, especially when Rehaan had just woken up again. He was already busy with trying to level his breathing and trying to protect me at the same time.


That was the last thing he did before fainting as well.

Even in that situation he considered my safety as his priority.

Cue my falling heart.

"I will," I said, so he could let go of the worry and concentrate on himself.

We both knew uncle was dangerous even before he came home. But what must have happened suddenly that Rehaan did not want his presence near us at all.

I puffed out some air from my mouth, placing my hands on the counter, as I waited patiently for the time when I could question him about his sudden urgency to get rid of my uncle.

Rehaan stood by my side, copying my pose. He stayed for about a minute or so, before speaking up again.

"Ananya Di?"

"She left a while ago," I answered, not bothering to tell him the specifics.

She didn't stay for even a minute after uncle left.

Having heard everything, she didn't want to stay a minute longer. She claimed that she was still my friend, but there was no way she could be around me when a murderer was involved.

"I am just a normal citizen living a mundane and boring life. And I would like to continue as such. Stalkers, murderers; this isn't something a person like me can get involved in.

"I know it's not your fault and I wish the best for you. But please don't contact me until everything is over with your uncle. Sorry." That was the last thing she said to me, before leaving from my life, probably forever.

"Good. Tell her to not contact you in any way or form. Her life can get in danger as well," Rehaan said, not knowing that she had already decided to do so.

It was better this way. He would think I cut the ties for her safety. He didn't need to know how pathetically I was left behind at the first sign of danger.

Ananya Di wasn't wrong either. She was just trying to survive.

But I would be lying if I said that it didn't hurt.

"Please, this time no contact means no contact. Don't do it like last time."

I rolled my eyes, before muttering in a sarcastic tone, "yeah, yeah."

"I am serious. This guy is up to no good."

"Because he murdered that psycho?" I turned to my side to face him.

Was he scared as well?

Meeting a murderer was no joke. But the psycho had tortured my mother and had killed his parents along with her.

I could understand Ananya Di's fear, but I thought Rehaan would be different. I thought he would understand.

"Because you are in his way now," Rehaan answered instead, making my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What? In his way? I didn't even know he existed until today."

Rehaan rolled his eyes at me, before retorting, "And he didn't know that you didn't know until today."

"What?" My lips pursed in confusion.

I ran my hand through my hair, not understanding Rehaan. If he was scared of Uncle being a murderer, he could just say so. Why was he twisting everything?

"That guy is capable of murdering you. You are an obstacle in his life," Rehaan told me, looking at me with such hardened eyes that it scared me a bit.

Only a bit.

I scoffed. "You could have just said yes when I asked that all this was because he murdered that psycho."

"I could care less about what he did to that psycho. The problem is that there is a huge difference in the motives between the Uncle that killed the psycho and the uncle who is after your documents."

His words were patient, his posture wasn't. Rehaan was barely hanging on a thread. I knew he was going to burst anytime soon, but I couldn't agree with him again.

"I know that uncle has changed. He claimed as such as well. I am completely aware that he is no angel. But that doesn't mean he would come to kill me. I am sure he won't. I saw it in his eyes. He still cares for my well-being."

"You sure? What do you even know to be so sure?" Rehaan scoffed. "As if it is so hard to fool you."

"Excuse me?"

Out of all things that had happened, this supposedly took the cake. The way he looked at me right now,

It made me feel so pathetic.

I closed my eyes for a second to hold my tears. I didn't want him to know what his words did to me. I wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

Squaring my shoulders, I looked at him dead in the eyes. "Feeling too smart for having fooled me for seven years? You aren't someone who is eligible to do that."

I smirked, letting out a final blow, before leaving the kitchen, "At least, I didn't break my heart while being played like a fool."

Karma's a Bitch.

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