6 - Don't chicken out on me, okay?

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Liv and Nate were leaving. With them gone, I'd be alone with my lie again.

I couldn't do it anymore.

I opened my mouth to stop them, but nothing came out of my suddenly parched throat. Clearing it, I stood and forced myself to say, "Jolivette, could you wait a minute?"

They turned back to the room and Nate's eyes widened on mine just before my gaze shot to the floor. What was I doing? My panicked pulse pounded in my ears.

I peeked up at Liv and her lips curved slightly as she gave me an encouraging nod. Slipping my focus to Nate, the understanding and support I saw in him gave me the push I needed. Enough was enough. It was time.

"What is it, son?" Dad asked me.

"As long as we're getting everything out in the open, I thought I'd take my turn."

Mom crossed her arms and scowled at the table, clearly ready to be done with this family meal, but Granny said, "Well, go on, dear. We're listening."

"I'm gay." Hearing myself say the words out loud sent a thrill through me. A weight lifted. I felt everyone's stares, but I didn't care. This was me. Take it or leave it, I wouldn't change.

Dad's eyebrows rose. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'm only interested in dating men."

"But..." Mom's arms fell to her sides. "What about Alexandria? You dated her for the last year."

"We actually broke up months ago, but it was easier to avoid being set up if I kept quiet. Also, Alex is a man because I date men."

My parent's mouths fell open, and neither said a thing, but that didn't stop my face from splitting into a grin so wide my cheeks ached. Finally, Granny sighed and said, "After Briar's nonsense, I didn't think I could be more ashamed of this family, but here we are."

Bile crawled up my throat at the thought of Granny rejecting me. Maybe I should've stayed quiet.

No. If she loved me, she needed to love the real me. I braced myself for whatever she'd say, pain slicing through me as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"It breaks my heart that we made the two of you feel the need to hide your lives from us." Granny swiveled in her seat, telling my sister, "Liv, I couldn't be prouder. If you never married, that wouldn't change anything." Turning back, she smiled at me. "And Joby, if you have a boyfriend, I wish you would've brought him. I'm not getting any younger and I want to know who my babies might spend their lives with."

The relief that flooded through me was so overwhelming, my knees shook. Something between a laugh and a sob left my throat as my eyes burned and I pinched the bridge of my nose to hold back the tears. "I'm not seeing anyone, Granny." Though I wished I was, and now that Liv had come clean, there was nothing stopping me.

"Alright. Well, maybe next visit then." Granny shrugged.

Riding the surge of adrenaline that accompanied my announcement, I said, "Umm, actually, since you brought it up." Brushing my fingers over my hair, I smoothed it into place as my eyes crawled up from Nate's boots. I summoned all my courage until our gazes locked. "Could I take you to dinner sometime next week?"

Nate's smirk sent tingles over my skin as he said, "I'd love that."

Granny clapped. "Oh, that's wonderful!"

"This is ridiculous." Mom threw her napkin on the table and stood. "Was anyone in this house telling me the truth?" Her nose turned pink as though she might cry. "I don't know you people."

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