Chapter 15: Decisions

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Saoibhs POV:

"He actually said that" 

"No joke nish ,straight face and all"

It has been 5 days since the.... incident which I am only now telling Nisha about. In my defense I have been panicking, no time for talking.

"Pros and cons list?"

"Nisha!" I reply laughing which causes her to burst out in laughter so much so that she falls off the bed. "This isn't some regular thing I can make a pro's cons list about, this is serious this is about-"

"You getting railed" she cuts me off.

I swat her arm. "No, this is about taking a step with Matheo I cannot take back. I mean our marriage is SUPPOSED to be friends at the most."

"It could be more saoibh"

"No it can't. I can't have that."

"Saoibh this isn't about shitting steps, this is about you simply giving into some pleasure for once, there is no pressure here but if the only aspect of this that's stopping you is that you might regret it then that is stupid." Nisha says, "Life is nothing without regret and if you have to get married.... marriage with benefits"

I pause and gather my thoughts.

I've never done anything like this. I've only ever shifted and or kissed people. I don't know how to cope right now and I'm hungry.

Oh mo dhia. Ba mhaith liom caca milis.

"Nisha... what if he ends up regretting asking me?"

"Oi, where is my best friend, my sister, who is the most confident person I've ever met. Beside you don't have to do anything with him you don't want to but realistically that boy is head over heels for you."

"No he isn't shush"

"He is!"

"Shit look at the time, the library closes in an hour and I need to study. Love you pet" I quickly say as I gather my book bag, shoes and DADA notes.

"Bye babes" She says lying back on her bed conjuring a face mask onto her face and cucumbers for her eyes.


I get to the bottom of the stairs with only one shoe half on.

"Need help darling?" I hear an all too familiar voice ask.

Frozen. Paralysed. Shocked.

I mean what am I meant to do now, I've done so good at avoiding him. Okay act natural.

"Hiya theo" I turn around and smile,

"Hi darling" he says back. He slowly kneels down and helps me put on my shoes.

... fuck why is he fit. I mean this position is making me feel all hot.

When he stands back up he takes my notes and bag off me and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Library?" he asks.

I nod and remain quiet. WHY AM I ACTING LIKE THIS. I'm fit, I'm unreal come on saoibh.

After a minute of walking he squeezes my closer to him with his arm as he leans into my ear, "You've been avoiding me doll"

Ta me fluich ;)

"Who me?" I ask, not sure how to respond.

"No my other doll"

I laugh awkwardly. "Right."

He furrows his eyebrows clearly confused at my behaviour . "Are you feeling okay?"

Etiquette 1 ~ Matheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now