Chapter 5: First day nerves

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Saoibhs POV:

I am mortified to put it simply. Me and Matheo and walking down the halls to get to potions and I'm tucked under his arm as he carries my bag.Everybody keeps looking at me but in a weird way and for some reason this has made more guys look at me. I feel like meat.

All the lads think "Ooh thats riddles girl if I get with her it will get back at him for the time he was a dick to me" But matheo is a dick to everybody.

"I'm not a dick to everybody darling" He says catching me by suprise. "Get out of my head you evil shit rat"

"Evil shit rat... really"

"It's not my best insult but it'll have to do because I am preoccupied with literally anything else so shut your trap"

"You know what I like most about you darling"

"Ew, hopefully nothing." I say hoping to end this conversation soon but potions is way down in the dungeons and usually I would walk ahead because matheo walks extremely slow but I have to play sodding circus and pretend to be hopelessly in love with Matheo. Dad says I have to use amazing acting when around crowds, he even set up mini dates between me and matheo toget to know eachother.

Flashback : Date 1

"Matheo I despise you so throughout this 'date' keep quiet"

"No can do Saoibh, you see I desperatly wish to know more about you" He responds as we sit on the picnic blanket situated in a gorgeous meadow with stringlights surrounding the trees around us. It is a really beautiful spot for a date, too bad its with the devils spawn.

"Piss off"

"So.. whats your favourite colour"

"Matheo no. Bad dog" I say swotting him on the nose.

"First of all ouch did you just call me a dog and second of all you should call me theo, much more natural for when we go to school and put on the performance of a life time."

"I'm not calling you Theo. Are you stupid or were you born dense!"

"Perfect if you call me Theo I'll also need a nickname for you" He pauses and looks up in thought.

"Merlin kill me now." I mutter.




"What am I five?"


"Ew no definitely not"


"Enzo calls me angel"

"Why is Berkshire calling my fiance  'angel'" He questions jaw clenching.

"Easy there lad, it's an inside joke, literally anything other than the other things you've said."






"Are you deaf"

"Sorry darling what was that" He responds putting his hand up to his ear feigning deafness, "I can't hear you"

How on earth is this absolute child the most feared person in our school , he's such a dose.

"I'm not a 'dose' darling. I am splendid"

What the fuck. Did I say that out loud.

"No you didn't"  he responded smirking.

It took me a while to catch on before I realise...

"You wanker, you're a legilems! Get out of my mind"

"Fine one second" He responds huffing. I presume the reason he asked for a 'second' was because it was complicated to leave somebody's mind but alas I was wrong. The next thing I know, an image of Matheo riddle and me standing hand in hand at a wedding aisle wearing wedding attire is in my mind.

Matheo burst out laughing as I glare. Dose

End of flashback

Now I know him decently well which is annoying in my mind, my brain could be fitting so much better things into it, instead it knows Matheo Riddles birthday.

"Don't pass any remarks over them love, they're just jealous you're with the hottest guy in school" He whispers smirking.

"I don't think the boys who have girlfriends are jealous I am with you, also not one person thinks you're the hottest guy in the school"

"Is that so?" He responds in a questioning manner just as the lads and Nisha join us in our walk.

"Berkshire, who's the hottest guy in the school not including yourself whom I presume you would've put first."

"Logically the person who has the features that best fit societies beauty standard within the school would be Cedric Diggory"

"Died last year who cares move on, he doesn't count"

"Fine looking past that I would say that due to the fear and mysterious atmosphere that for some reason girls like it would be you. Also taking into account admirers and you don't automatically fill all beauty standards in the school you do fill most, however judging by Saoibhs face I'm going to presume she wants any answer but so my final answer is... Neville Longbottom" 

The group burst into laughter as do I. I fucking love Enzo's nerdiness sometimes it's so handy.

"Well Enzo, thank you so much for having my back honey."

"Anytime angel, you do realise I have now upset him and he is quite scary when angry."

"It's only a bruised ego and a reality check, we'll take him to madam pomferreys later" I say chuckling at my own humour to which I get a light pinch on the shoulder from Matheo who I turn to glare at the find him already smirking down at me.

"Speaking of needing to go to Madam Pomferrey, why are you two shagging." Draco bluntly says. I sigh realising  we now have to tell the.

"Guess who's betrothed! "

"I'll give you a hint" Matheo pipes up, "It's the actual hottest guy in the year and the gorgeous girl under his arm" I elbow him in the stomach making him shut up but he still has that shit eating smug grin on his face. Rat of a human he is.

Theodore and Nisha laugh at our expense. They're lucky they fell in love with another pureblood on their own accord instead of being forced into a relationship .

Draco looks shocked but not as much as Blaise who has his jaw on the floor. "What! They still happen!"

We all turn to look at him and his utter stupidity. "Of course they happen its basically the only thing in the paper at the moment. The ministry are trying to ban arranged marriages. " I respond to his confused face.

"Thank fuck mums not doing that to me." he responds

"Thats because your ma is sound as" I say in return followed by a course of agreements.

"True she said the only reason I should get married is if I need money desperately. I only recently figured out why I've had 8 nearly 9 step-fathers.

"Blaise I love you but your a wee bit slow lad." I say patting his bag as we all enter the potions classroom. This class will be fun I hope!


Extreme filler chapter. Matheo is so cute but its to anybody but his friends. cutieee

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