Chpt 3: Pretty and polluted

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What are the chances somebody is calling to ask about my day. Alas I'm not as lucky.

Matheo swaggers to me with an extremely angry look on his face. He is pure fuming. "What the fuck were you doing with Dolohov?" He questions angrily. 

"Relax your cacs, we were just talking."

"Just talking with Dolohov, yeah fucking right. He was basically eye fucking you!"

"Let him, it's not like he will ever get any. Also why does this concern you whatsoever."

"We're engaged!" He exclaims frustratingly running a hand through his curls. " You are marrying me in 9 months."

"You fecking eejit, could you be any louder!" Nobody heard. Buíochas le Dia!

"Stop being a brat."

"Stop being a prat." I shout loudly over the blaring music as I down the rest of my drink.

This guy making all of the clogs in my brain turn that unleashes all my suppressed anger. Why is he so entitled, fuck him.

"Since I have 9 months of freedom, I'm off to get laid, Dante Casimir is looking rather fit tonight isn't he. I'm going to go dance with him!." I saw as I last Matheos head and walk away

"Saoibh, what the fuck!" He yells behind me. I'm getting major Deja vu from this, look at us go, not even a couple yet and we're already consistent!


It's been an hour and I'm ready to call it a night. Matheo threatened Casimir and every other guy I've tried to talk to. I understand he's a dick but like, at some point he's bound to cop on even a wee bit.

I will be completely honest, I'm fucked. I've had a mad amount of drinks and to the despair of my ancestors I'm a lightweight. Being a lightweight is ideal to be fair. It's so much cheaper. I tried going up the stairs and I couldn't because the world is against me and the stairs are escalators and funny.

"Fuck off!" I yell kicking the stairs and hurting my foot.

"Angel, you alright.?"

"Honeyyyyy! I'm just a weee teensy tiny bit tipsy" I slur with hazed eyes. "The alcomahall was mwah! Chefs kisses"

"Yeah your drunk, come on you're going to bed." He sighs

"Nooooo. I don't want to anymore. I want more"

"Angel you're fucked."

"No, I would be getting fucked if it wasn't for riddle"


"He's so stupid. I just wanted to let loose dudette " I said making rock star hand signs. Enzo starts smiling and I get mad.

"you're laughing at my misfortune you cunty cunt face. I'm leaving you. We're divorced." I saw running off giggling.

The party has died down a lot. Now it's just the last few, 7th years and a couple 6th years. Everybody looks so pretty, everybody is pretty. With nice features and stuff. And noses. Noses are weird who decided this was the way life would be, a bump on our face today was just the last one . That didn't make sense. Okay. I might need to go to bed, or drink water. When I'm drunk I always act so embarrassing it isn't funny.

"Darling, Lorenzo said he's looking for you" Matheo says sneaking up behind me. He looks hot. Too bad he's a dick and a cockblocker.

"Matty R. Theo Riddle who likes to fiddle with my happiness. Matheo makes me Madeo. Mat the cat, get it cause you're a big fat gaping pussy."

He smiles and covers up a laugh with a cough. " You're going to bed"

"I don't want to."

"Too fucking bad"

"Oi, quit cursing!"

"You just called me a big fat gaping pussy!"

"So ducking what!"

"Ducking? Right that's it. BERKSHIRE, she's over here"

"Hey you're a poet that isn't the know of it"

Enzo runs to us and smiles. "Saoibh we need you to go to bed, can you do that for me."

"No" I say.

"I don't want you to go to bed" Matheo says smirking " you're very funny darling."

I almost throw up at his winking and also I don't want to do what he wants. He wants me to not go to bed, guess where I'm going. Hah, that will show him. " maybe bed isn't such a bad idea enzo. Night night honey!" I say as he helps me up the stairs.

"Night night riddle" I shout over the banister.

"Sweet dreams darling," he calls back. Fucking darling, what a nice name.

I belly flop onto my bed whilst Enzo does a charm to change my clothes to pyjamas and remove my makeup in one swoop. What a sweetie.

"Nighty Honey."

"Goodnight angel, I can't wait to see your mortified face tomorrow when you remember tonight.

"Stop being a dose, love you babes, mwah! Ciaooooooo "


What's up beautiful people. Nah but on the real though Saoibh is based so much on me, shes even named after my cousin <3. Same birthday , same drinking ability, same harted for potatoes :)

Etiquette 1 ~ Matheo RiddleWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt