Chapter 14: Action

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Saoibh's POV:

"Do it doll" He whispers impossibly close, I can feel his breath on my face. He smells minty.

And in a flash, reality came crashing down. This is Matheo Riddle, he's the biggest wanker to grace the planet.... Well not the biggest but he is a wanker.... I mean he's less of a wanker than w I originally thought but still! He's Matheo riddle, he's a known flirt and player, last year he was always seen with a girl on his arm..... last year though, this year he hasn't. I know the year has just started but compared to last year he's like a shy little virgin. 

Matheo isn't a bad person he just isn't right for me, he isn't my person.... 

Fuck reality

Okay he may not be a person but I deserve to blow SOME steam. Will I will I not is the only thing I can think and right now Matheo is looking at me with dangerous eyes, eyes im scared of knowing. Hes going to think I'm insane for stilling for so long

He's still looking I can't overthink I don't have time

I need time

I need to do something 

"Do it" He whispers,

As if my body lost all control I crashed me lips against his, I'm not sure what came over me.

Matheo instantly responded gripping my waist and pulling me closer to him immediatly taking control. Common sense is long gone as he pushed his tongue to my lips asking for permission, Marcus never did this, Marcus just went for it , Marcus was rough but not the rough I enjoy.

I part my lips and his tongue slips to mine moving in sync. I whimper into the kiss as he brings one hand up to cup my face. I bury my hands in his hair and I can feel nothing but ecstasy.


Matheo separated from me first my lips following his as he pulled away slowly.

Nothing is said and we just stare at eachother. My eyes widen incredibly when I realise that .... I just kissed Matheo Riddle.


What was I thinking oh my god I can't wait for these insults to start.

I drop my expression " nothing happened" I say

"Something happened darling" he whispers back he's thumb caressing my waist.

"No it didn't"

"It did" he said smirking handsomely "it fucking did"

"Never again Matheo"

"Are you sure?" he asks , his nose brushing mine.

I still and holy fuck why am I nervous, I'm not nervous, I'm never nervous, I am nervous, fuck I'm nervous.  "Yes?" I say with a questioning tone, not the way I intended it to come out.

"Don't you want that trill doll" He whispers into my ear he lips brushing against it. "Don't you want to just do this without the repercussions, don't you just want to feel without pressure or outsiders watching."


"Matheo.... we can't." I say dropping my head down

"Why baby why" He asks tilting my head up to meet him, "We have our entire married life to regret, just do right now, just do"

I bite my lip. 

"I need time" I whisper to him hoping he would understand. "I just need to think"

"Of course darling, you have all the time you need but I'll be here."

"And you won't leave when I make my decision, even if it not one you are happy with?"

"Till death do us part love" He smiles at me.

"Till death do us part"

-And death caused them to part-

A/N: Okay I know this is shit but just bare w me , this is defo gonna get changed up but its ok for now, also im incredibly tired and haven't uploaded in yonks so Im rusty.

P.s. matheo is so fucking fit :P

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