they're SYNCED

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Today was the day that I've ALWAYS dreaded. Hermione and Bella's period dates SYNCED. And neither Victor OR Sirius are home.

"Father are you even LISTENING?" I snapped back into reality as Hermione stood from her seat in my office, "You weren't. I'll see you later."

"H I-" SLAM. The door. I sighed.

I slumped onto the sofa and just as I did, Bella stormed through the door. "How dare she?!"

"How dare who?"


"She's on her period Bells, give her a break."

"I'M on MINE TOO. Am I acting UNPLEASANT?"

"Yes." I whispered under my breath.

"You're HORRIBLE Tom. How can you be so UNKIND?!" Tears filled in her eyes and she stormed out the door before I could plead my case.

Groaning, I stood and went to my desk, busying myself with work. Mornings are the worst. I know that. But for Em, nights were the worst. So when Bella and Emilia were synced, I could deal with them separately and it would be fine. HERMIONE is ALSO someone who's mornings are horrible. I went through my drawer and found some chocolate that Bella craves when she's on her period. I went to her room, knocking. "What?!"

"It's me Bells, can I come in?"

"Don't. Call. Me. That!" she snapped, irritably, opening the door, taking the chocolate from my hands and slamming the door in my face. Saints.

I went to Hermione's room next. I knocked on the door, "Who is it?"

"Me babygirl. Can I come in?"


I opened the door and went to her bedroom to find her curled up, hugging a pillow to her stomach. She looked at me, tears in her eyes. "Am I a bad person Father?"

"Wha- No. Not at all. What makes you say that?" I joined her in bed, fully prepared to hear her existential crisis. I've heard them ALL from my wife, and sister. This is H's second period. She's still not used to it.

"I snapped at you this morning. I don't feel any remorse when I kill, I am rotten to the core - I enjoy torturing people."

"You have a dark core. You're a Riddle."

"Then why does everyone look at me like I'm crazy at school."

I stroked her hair, "You're not crazy. They're insecure. You're a beautiful, smart, sweet, talented girl. And they're jealous."

"I'm sorry for this morning. I don't know what came over me! I-" tears welled in her eyes, so I pulled her into my chest and consoled her until she fell asleep.

Nathan walked into the bedroom just as I was getting up to leave. "Shh."

"Is she feeling better now?"

"Well, she's asleep. Hopefully she feels better when she wakes up."

"Sorry Father, I meant to come check on her but I had so much marking to do. I came as soon as I could bu-"

"Hey, you don't have to apologise. She's my daughter, and it's not just my job to look after her, but I WANT to look after her. Have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet, I'm starving."

"Same, let's go eat something."

My eldest son smiled and we walked out the door and indulged in breakfast.

As we ate, I asked him, "How's teaching?"

"Good. I really love it."

"I'm glad to hear that. How's Aria?"

Hermione Ellene RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now