mother, come back.

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Hermione woke up in a sour mood, as she has for the last five days, since she's been woken up with morning spankings every day since tuesday.

After her punishment, she told me to "go away." and she hasn't come out of her room since. I sent Brennan and Nathan to go check on her, but she told them to go away too, not even letting them set foot in her chambers. "What's going on with her? It isn't like her to want to be alone."

"Yeah, I don't know." 

"Did something happen during her morning spanking?"

"Not anything unusual. She didn't cry or anything because I only used my hand. But she told me, very calmly to go away. Let's see if she lets Vic or Bella in. Sirius is away on business."

I managed to get Vic and Bella together and told them to try and get into H's room and check up on her.


We knocked, "H, it's me, you had mentioned that you wanted to discuss your homework?" Bella spoke.

"Come in."

Sighing of relief, both of us opened the doors to her chambers and meandered through each room, until we found her, still in her pajamas, red eyes, and she looked at us. "Hey Mione Bear, sorry to intrude, I was just with Bella and-"

"No, it's fine. Should I...bring my books here or do you want to come to the study?"

"We'll come to the study."

We followed her through the rooms to her study and there lay her books and parchment. Taking a seat at her desk, we pulled up two more chairs, sitting on either side of her. As we helped her with the work and she was doing it, we starting investigating, "How come you're still in your pajamas H?"

"Lazy day."

"I do love a good lazy day." I chimed, "Oh, have you seen your brothers yet today? I've been trying to find them, but I've no idea where they are."

"I haven't actually."

"But don't they always come to see you in the morning."

"I-I kind of told them to go away." she admitted, putting her quill down and looking at me. "But you already knew that, didn't you?"

"No, actually. I didn't. Are you okay? Your eyes are red and you look really sad and tired. What's wrong love?"

"I just- I'm really missing Mother today." her voice cracked as she spoke. I immediately stood her up and pulled her in between my legs, giving her the biggest hug. "I know it's tough babygirl. I know."

"No you don't! And neither do Brennan or Nathan or Father! NONE of you understand! I'm a girl, and girls do EVERYTHING with their mothers. I took mine for granted. I would give ANYTHING for her to nag at me for something again. I spent so much time with Father and so little with Mother and I wish that it was the opposite now. I wish that she could see me win all these dance comps and help me try out for Hogwarts, help me pick a prom dress, be there for my first boyfriend, or first heartbreak. And the worst thing is, is that I know she won't. It's been four years since she passed and I feel like I've not fully recovered and that I never will. And that frustrates me beyond words." she spoke, her voice full of pain and sorrow.

I looked at Bella and she had tears in her eyes, listening to H. "I'm sorry Mione Bear. I'm so so sorry. Shh, it's all going to be okay my love."

"C-can you call my brothers please? And can you tell Father than I'm sorry for being a complete brat in the morning? And please tell him not to be mad?"

"Shh, we'll call your brothers. And as for your Father, he can wait." Bella got up and left to find Brennan and Nathan.

I rocked Hermione back and forth, till her tears subsided. And as if it were perfect timing, in walked my two nephews, followed by my sister.

"Hey babygirl. What happened?" Nathan spoke first.

"Mother." she said one word, but the boys immediately knew what had happened. Nathan scooped H up into his arms and Bella and I took that as our queue to leave, knowing our niece was in the safest of arms.

We left her room and went to Tom's office where he was leafing through paperwork. He looked up at us, as we entered. "Well?"

"She's missing Emilia a lot. She's angry and upset and frustrated, all at the same time."

I watched as my younger brother sighed, "And you just left her?"

"Brennan and Nathan are with her. She asked for them. And she told us to tell you that she's sorry for being a brat in the morning."

"She wasn't being a-Whatever, it's fine. I'm not angry at her, just concerned and worried."

"Yeah, she'll be fine. Talking to her brothers will help because they relate to her the most when it comes to this. What are you working on? Maybe we can help."

We helped our brother with his work, allowing him to take his mind off of his children.



Hermione stayed in my chest till her tears subsided, and eventually after a lot of whispering and rubbing her back, she gave into her exhaustion and got some much needed sleep. I laid her down in bed and Nathan and I joined her on either side, looking at each other, and then looking at her. "Poor thing." my older brother spoke.

I nodded, "She really didn't get to spend much time with her. At least we did."

"Hmm." Both of us eventually fell asleep in H's bed, under the covers.


I went to check on H and walked into her chambers. Usually I just follow the sound, but there was none. Silence. Panic started to set in as I checked every room. Frantically, I barged into her bedroom to find her tucked under the sheets, her brothers on either side of her, also asleep. I smiled, feeling a sense of content, knowing that I've raised my children right.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I looked at all of them, deep in sleep. All I could think about was my wife. Emilia would have been so pleased to see them so close. Family was something she valued a lot. Although they'd gotten their eyes and hair from me, their nose, and lips are exactly like Em's. As Hermione's growing up, she starts to look more and more like her, and it makes me miss her even more.

Hermione stirred but just turned over and buried her face in Nathan's chest. She's so fortunate to have such caring siblings, just as I am. Victor is my older brother and even though I'm the second oldest, I feel so lucky to have three siblings to care for me and look after me.

Slipping out of the room, I went back to my work, knowing that my children were fine and safe.

A/N: Thanks for 60 reads! As always, please vote, and COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT...I'd love to hear your input or even just say hello! :)

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