homeschool is BORING (flashback chapter)

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I was sat in the classroom at home listening to Bella, my aunt, drone on and on about the History of Magic. Eventually, I started to daydream until I heard, "Hermione ELLENE!"

I jumped, looking at Bella, "Yes?"

"Answer the question."

"I-uhm- I wasn't paying attention, sorry."

"Hand." I stuck out my right hand, palm up as she approached me with her cane. She gripped my forearm before laying down 7 licks with that cane, on my palm as I cried silently, letting the tears fall. She let go, and looked me in the eye, "Pay attention."

"S-sorry Bella."

She resumed her lecture and I started to take notes, in order to stay focused.

"Okay, that's history for today. Now time for potions."

"Are we doing a practical today Bella?" I asked.

"Nope, theory." URGH BOORING.

"Okay. So..-"

I zoned out again and then when Bella asked me why I was zoning out, I had it, "Because it's BORING. And I don't want to be here. This is so stupid!"

Her nostrils flared and she dragged me by the arm to Father's office. She barged in and Father looked up, startled at first, before asking Bella, "What's so urgent that you-"

"Your daughter has SOME nerve. I offer MY time to EDUCATE her, and she acts like a little brat. You can deal with her. I have better things to be doing in my day." My aunt glared at me before leaving the office. Father took my hand, sitting down in his chair before pulling me over his lap, "Father no!"

"What did you do in the classroom that made your aunt so angry?" Father asked, pulling down my leggings and lifting my shirt up.

"I wasn't paying attention."


"When she asked me why I wasn't paying attention the second time, I screamed at her and said that it was boring and I didn't want to be here and (much quieter) that it was stupid."

"I beg your pardon Hermione Ellene?"

"I-I said that it was s-stupid."

"What did I tell you I would do if you said that word ever again?"

"You would s-spank me."

"Yes, but how would I spank you?"

"B-bare with a hairbrush."

"Go get me your hairbrush from my room. You left it there this morning."

Father put me down and I scurried through the door that connected his office to his room and to the dressing table which used to be Mothers. I grabbed my hairbrush, looking at it's wooden back and wincing in pain already. I went back into the office and handed it to Father who took it from me, putting it on the desk before picking me up and putting me over his lap again. "Why are you being spanked Hermione Ellene?"

"Because I was mean to Bella."

"Mean and also INCREDIBLY disrespectful. Why else are you being spanked?"

"For daydreaming?"

"For not paying attention yes. But also because you're wasting her time. She puts a LOT of effort into teaching you and by not showing her that you're also putting in the same amount of effort to learn, really upsets her. Why else are you being punished?"

"F-for saying a bad word."

"Yes, and for yelling. Is that nice?"

"No Father."

Hermione Ellene RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now