let me go!

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"So, you thought it was funny to hurt her?" he spoke, walking around her, in slow circles.

The fire in the pit of my stomach burnt more as my eyes glowed, and a smirk grew across my face as I watched my older brothers in the shadows.

"Answer. The. Question." he breathed, his fingers dipped under her chin, making her look up at him, helplessly as she gave up on struggling against the chains.

"I didn't think it was f-funny."

"Then, WHY DID YOU DO IT!?" he yelled, striking her once across her face as she screamed.

"I-I don't know, please?!" she cried.

"Please what? Let you go?"

She nodded, looking up at him helplessly.

He turned and saw me in the shadows, beckoning me over.

My boots clacked against the wooden flooring.

He whispered in my ear, "She's all yours H. Kill her if you wish."

I stared at the girl, the one who punched me. Now, I looked down on her and a chuckle escaped my lips, "You don't belong here." I mimicked her voice from before. "I am an HEIR of Slytherin. The sorting hat didn't even touch me and yelled out, "Slytherin!" You are a light core, and I've known for a while, but I never ratted you out, did I? No, I peacefully co-existed with a light girl. Light people are frowned upon in our family...I have every right to kill you...but I didn't."

"Am I supposed to thank you?" she asked, her voice laced with sarcasm.

I stepped closer, drawing out my wand, "You're supposed to treat royals with RESPECT." I sent the cruciatus curse her way as she fell back and let out an ear piercing shriek. I watched as blood pooled out of every inch of her body.

"PLEASE?! HELP?!" she strained.

"Aww, you want help?" I cooed. "Fine, let me help you (SECTUMSEPRA) die." I chuckled as cuts formed everywhere on her body.

Eventually, she was near death so I stopped torturing her. "Take her to the dungeons." Nathan ordered the faithful 2nd year Slytherins. She looked at me confused. "You're going to be my outlet for anger. When I'm angry, I'll have you called and we can do all that all over again, as many times as I want. Fun, right?!"

She cried more as she was dragged away and down the Hogwarts dungeons. Brennan emerged, grinning, "That was fun."

I nodded, smiling. "So much fun. She got what she deserved."

"I'm glad you had fun H. It's nice to see you enjoying yourself and genuinely smiling."

I gave him a hug and we walked out of that storage cupboard which led to the empty room.

"You wanna help us find the chamber of secrets?" Nathan asked me as Brennan nodded.

"I've found a few clues myself."

"Let's get to work then!"

I grinned.

>> LATER >>

Nathan had gone to the bathroom, Brennan had retired to his room but I was still in the library and then decided to get some fresh air. I walked outside in the chilly spring night, hugging my jacket to protect me from the wind. I walked around the school until I was grabbed by my neck and before I could react, a knife was placed at my neck. Panic set in and I shivered, trying not to move. Before I could let out a scream for help, a hand covered my mouth and nose, as my hands were bound in rope. I screamed anyway, but my voice was muffled. I thrashed in the unknown's arms until I heard, "Careful darling, wouldn't want to hurt yourself now, would you?"

Hermione Ellene RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now