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I woke up in a good mood until I remembered Father's words, "You'll receive your punishment for today, tomorrow."

As I was about to get out of bed there was a knock, "Come in," I groaned, still tired.

Father walked in. "Hey babygirl. Sleep well?"

I nodded, rubbing my eyes. "I'm glad to hear. Well, I'm sure you know why I'm here, so let's get this over with. Go get me your hairbrush."

I did as asked and he picked me up, laying me over his lap. Of course I wore shorts to bed! He pulled them down and rested his hand on my back, "You're actions last night were ABSOLUTELY unacceptable, and I'm shocked that you would sneak out and follow us to the Ministry!" I couldn't focus on the rest of his words because I was anticipating that first smack and was waiting for his hand to leave my backside so I could brace myself. SMACK! Came the first hit with the hairbrush. My legs kicked involuntarily at the shock. "Hermione Ellene, you know FULL WELL to behave and stay still during these punishments." he smacked me after every one of those words with his hand. After a few more with the hairbrush, he pulled my underwear down. "Father! Not bare!!"

"Hush Hermione. You know you deserve a much harsher punishment than usual for what you did."

I cried and cried into his leg as he continued his torture on my poor backside and thighs. He eventually stopped and told me to go to the corner and put my hands on my head. My arms were aching, my backside was burning and I stood there, watching tears fall onto the carpet.

"Come here babygirl." I pulled my shorts and underwear up and went to Father who was stood by my bed but knelt down to my height as I approached him. "I'm sorry I had to do that sweetheart, but you need to learn that sneaking out of the house really did get you into a lot of trouble and it is unacceptable. Have you learnt your lesson?"

"Yes Father."

"Good." he pulled me into a hug, running his fingers through my hair. "I love you babygirl."

"When's Mother coming?"


"Mother. When can I see her again?"


Oh no. "Umm, let's sit down."

"Sit down? After that?!" she exclaimed.

I sat on her bed, pulling her into my lap so she was facing me.

"Babygirl, Mother's not coming back." I said softly and watched as 5 emotions were painted across her face as it contorted into confusion.

"What do you mean? Where is she?"

"Up there, with the Saints, and in here." I pointed to the ceiling and then to her heart.

"I miss her though Father."

"I know baby, I know you do. I miss her too. Every day."


"Yes sweetheart?"

"I'm really sorry for sneaking out."

"It's okay, it's in the past now and all is forgiven." I replied, happy that the message sunk in to her.

Hermione Ellene RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now