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Percy Poodle reached his arm out, which was now back to normal towards Nichole, But she dodged it. She grabbed TamaMunchi and pushed Percy aside, sprinting for the exit. Percy roared in anger as he chased after her. But...Pal wasn't done just yet. "What are you guys standing there for?! Help me up!" Pal demanded. The TamaTerrorz looked at eachother before TamaOpti climbed down and Picked Pal Up. "Take me to Percy, I have a Plan," Pal said.

Nichole ran through the hall and burst open the door leading to Yellow Crafts, but Rowen leaped in her way, blocking her path. The animatronic Rat growled and scratched the ground, his tail ripped, revealing the endo underneath. "Oh buzz off Rowen!" Nichole yelled. Nichole kicked Rowen, causing him to go flying. Percy wasn't that far behind, so she had to keep running. In her way was Charlie Cat and Mother Moose. Farmer Felix was nearby as well. TamaMunchi Barked at them, but it didn't do anything against the haunted animatronics. Nichole picked up a chair from one of the tables and slammed it against Farmer Felix, causing his Simon Says function to go haywire. He ended up accidentally attacking Mother Moose and Charlie Cat due to his poor eyesight. With them incapacitated, for now, Nichole Sprinted for the exit.

Pal quickly caught up to Percy with TamaOpti's help. "Drop me, now!" Pal shouted. TamaOpti did as they were told and dropped Pal on Percy's back, causing him to halt. The animatronic attempted to grab Pal, but Pal slithered into Percy's Neck. The Animatronic screamed as it was taken control of, but this time, Pal had a different plan.

Nichole heard Percy Scream, but she didn't care she was so close to the exit. She was about to reach for the door when...Something grabbed her ankle. She tripped and dropped TamaMunchi. The Toy Dog spun across the floor. It got up before a face of fear was seen on its screen. It began to bark with fear and aggression at something behind Nichole. She turned around and saw it. It wasn't Percy, or Charlie, or Moose...No, none of them. It was ALL OF THEM. Melted together into a messed up mass of parts and wire. And at the heart of it...Pal. Percy's head was connected via Wires, but the body sat there, with endoskeleton parts and fabric and wires, with plastic underneath it. She could even see some of the character heads poking out of the mass. But Percy's head wasn't the only one sticking out. Charlie Cat's head was connected via wires and sat to the left of Percy while Mother Moose's head sat to the Right. It reminded Nichole of something like King Ghidorah. Percy's dog collar could be seen still on the mass. But instead of saying Percy or Pal, it said something else. "YOUR BEST PAL HEATHER." the tag said. Pal and the spirit's minds were melted together. "YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY THAT EASILY NICHOLE! WE'RE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN!" Best Pal said. "For the Love of god, just let me go!" Nichole shouted back. "NO! WE WANT TO LEAVE. SET FREE. TO DO THAT...YOU MUST STAY." Best Pal shouted. TamaMunchi Barked at Best Pal, who roared in response, the roar sounded like one of a bell. "YOU CAN'T STOP US YOU LITTLE MUTT." Best Pal shouted in response. TamaMunchi leaped at Best Pal, who used one of their tendrils to grab TamaMunchi mid-air and threw him into Nichole, who caught them. "GIVE UP. NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU." Best Pal Shouted. "HEY, UGLY, GET AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND!" A voice shouted. Best Pal turned around as they were hit with a chair. The creature shrieked in pain. It was..Rebecca, she came to help her. "Rebecca!" Nichole shouted. TamaMunchi Barked in glee. "Nichole? Are you alright over there?" Rebecca asked. "Yeah, I'm Ok- REBECCA, WATCH OUT!" Nichole warned. Before Rebecca could react, Best Pal grabbed her and threw her against the wall. "REBECCA!" Nichole yelled. Best Pal Cackled. "NO ONE CAN STOP US, AND NOW, WE'LL KILL BOTH OF YOU, SO WE CAN BE BEST PALS FOREVER!" Best Pal yelled. Nichole was gonna admit defeat when she noticed something. The Pal Percy at the heart of the beast was exposed. What if... "Rebecca.. Do you have anything to hit that Pal Percy?" Nichole whispered. "..I have my Grandpa's Revolver." Rebecca whispered back. "Why didn't you use it before?" Nichole asked. "I didn't want to waste ammo, I could only find two bullets," Rebecca said. "Shoot the Pal Percy..It might be the only way to stop them." Nichole whispered. Rebecca nodded and took out her revolver. Best Pal noticed the weapon and lunged at them, but Rebecca fired off the revolver just in time. The bullet went right through Pal's screen. Pal roared in pain, as Best Pal stopped moving, going limp. "We...We..We did it! We can leave!" Nichole shouted. But right as she said that Best Pal got up. Heather was back in control. Best Pal rushed towards them, and even firing off the last shot didn't stop them. As things seemed hopeless. BOOM. A wrecking ball crashed through the wall of the entrance and crashed into Best Pal, shattering them and breaking them apart. The beast...was defeated. TamaMunchi realized there was an exit and barked. "Come on, let's get out of here," Nichole said. She helped her girlfriend up and Picked up TamaMunchi before they ran out of the Playhouse.

When they got out, there was caution tape everywhere, debris was all over the place. "...NICHOLE! REBECCA! OVER HERE!" A voice yelled. Nichole looked over as TamaMunchi's tail wagged in joy. It was John Johnson! Nichole walked over to them, with Rebecca following her. "There you are, Nichole! We were wondering if you got out already, so we assumed you did and-" John began to say, but Nichole cut him off. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THE PAL PERCY WAS- YOU DIDN'T SAY IT COULD DO ALL THAT- THERE WERE WIRES, AND-AND-AN-AND THEY WERE ALIVE, AND THE ANIMATRONICS WERE HAUNTED AND-" Nichole began to shout. It began to scare TamaMunchi a bit. Rebecca nodded. "Yeah, the animatronics fused and tried to kill us," Rebecca added, vouching for her girlfriend. TamaMunchi Yipped in agreement, on account of seeing it all. "Calm down you two, they can't do all that, the Pal Percy's were recalled, didn't you know?" John asked. There was a moment of silence for a bit. "...HUH?!" Nichole asked. "Calm down! Let me explain! Those Pal Percy's went absolutely crazy the more people used them, they even became sentient as well, but we never found out why. I assume it was because they used the same batteries as the robots, I never really thought about it much after they were recalled." John said. "So that what was on that disc...huh, if I only got it working..." Nichole thought to herself. "So you see? None of them exist now. Well, Technically. But I guess we forgot one in there. I hope it didn't go crazy and try to kill you two or anything. Haha!" John said, chuckling. Munchi, Nichole, and Rebecca looked at eachother but decided not to tell John. "Yeah, thank goodness it didn't..." Nichole said. She looked back at the now demolished Percy's Playhouse. "Anyway, come on, I'll treat you two to some lunch! I'm Starving. "TamaMunchi Barked. "Yes, even you Munchi," John said, petting TamaMunchi. "Yeah, OK! Sure!" Nichole said. TamaMunchi barked in Happiness as Rebecca Kissed her girlfriend and the 4 went out to lunch.

The End.

Written by TheOneWithDoggo

Playtime with Percy owned by Fazie Funbear

Showtime with Percy Title Idea by Ginumo

Showtime with Percy by TheOneWithDoggo

Showbiz PWP Cast by TheOneWithDoggo

Special Thanks

Fazie Funbear





Nathan Redman

Cracked up Jedi









Hollow Knight 205


And YOU!

"Thank you for reading the Entirety of Showtime With Percy. This was a project I finished in a matter of five days and I'm quite proud of it! Until Next time!" -TheOneWithDoggo

A Figure stood in the debris of Percy's Playhouse, standing over the damaged animatronics before it walked away. "I wasn't expecting it to turn out this way. I thought she would have died, but no, she was a fighter. She even killed Pal, even if he was a wrench in my plans." The figure said, holding the damaged Pal Percy in his paw. "But, of course, things can always change. So.." The Figure turned, revealing it to be Yellow Mutt.

"Until Next Time, Nichole."

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