Evening Three

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Nichole got home at 7 AM today, it was a bit later than before, the only reason why is that she had to stop for gas. But it didn't matter, she was home, and now it was time for her to sleep. She crawled into bed and Bungy leaped up onto the bed, and meowed, before curling into a ball and sleeping as well. She pets the cat before quickly passing out.


Nichole woke up, but...she was Back in Percy's Playhouse. How did she get here? She was in bed not too long ago. "Come find...me...." A voice said. Nichole looked around, but she couldn't see anyone anywhere. "Hello? John? Bungy? Anyone here?" Nichole called out. "I can hear you...Nichole." A voice said. "I am here." Nichole looked around and began to move forward through the playhouse. "Where are you? How did I get here?" Nichole asked frantically. "Don't you worry, you're in safe hands." The voice said. Nichole was about to respond when she heard footsteps approaching her. "Heather is coming. Hide." the voice said. Nichole actually looked around and got her bearings. She was in the Ratcade. She quickly dipped behind the arcade machines just as Percy Poodle came out from the Green Playroom and began walking around. He didn't find anything, so, he walked away. Nichole got out of her hiding spot. "Am I dead?" Nichole asked." "Dead? No. No. No. No. No. Not yet at least. You survived so far, but I can't guarantee you'll still survive. Come find me, Nichole... I'm nearby." The voice said. Nichole shrugged.

Nichole walked into the dining area, but no one was there. That's when she noticed something. The door to the storage room was open. "Huh?" She thought to herself. She walked in and began to look around. She hasn't been back here in a while. She opened the gate to the storage room, only to see an animatronic sitting there. It was a golden dog animatronic, it looked like Percy, but it wasn't a poodle. It was a different animatronic. It looked like the one she saw the night before. "Do you know who we once were?" The voice asked. Nichole kneeled to get a closer look at the animatronic. "...No. You don't." the Voice said. Eyes appeared in the empty sockets of the animatronic as it lunged at Nichole.

Nichole woke up with a start, her alarm beeping. It was...late. 11:30 PM. Was she sleeping for THAT long? Nichole looked around. She was in her bed. "What the hell was that?" Nichole asked herself. She got up, she didn't have time to think about it right now, it was time for her to go to work.

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