Evening Finale

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When Nichole got home, instead of going straight to bed, she went onto her computer. "Alright, let's see what I can find." Nichole thought. She looked up Percy's Playhouse, and found the site, on the front page, it said "PERCY'S PLAYHOUSE HAS UNFORNATLY CLOSED ITS DOORS, THANK YOU FOR PLAYING WITH PERCY AND HIS FRIENDS! UNTIL NEXT TIME FRIENDS!" Nichole clicked on some of the links on the sight, but it was all about Percy's Playhouse. There were also little games you could play too. Nichole remembered creating this sight with Rebecca's help. ...Good...Old..Times... Nichole shook her head and tried something else. She searched up the term "Original Percy's Playhouse". At first, nothing popped up, it was just more things about Percy's Playhouse and a bit about the Pal Percy's booming success, and she missed the article about the Pal Percy's Recall. But then she thought about something. What about the Wayback Machine? "Only one way to find out." Nichole thought. She searched up the Wayback Machine and placed it in the same term. And to her surprise, a prompt popped up. But when she clicked it, it was heavily redacted. [REDACTED] Playhouse has officially closed its doors on [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. The Founder, [REDACTED] had this to say on the closure. "It's a sad day today, [REDACTED] playhouse was a beacon of joy to children all across the world. Maybe one day we could return, better than ever." The two animatronic characters, [REDACTED] the Mutt and Sally the Poodle will NOT be destroyed and instead be kept in storage in case for a rebrand, but for now, the future of [REDACTED] is uncertain. Not much useful information, but it was useful enough. "Huh. Sally the Poodle... I wonder." Nichole thought. She searched up the animatronic, and quickly found a photo of it. The animatronic looked similar to Percy but with a different fur style. She had spots on her, glowing eyes, and a void-like smile. She had a blue collar on, with a gold dog tag. She wore a green shirt and light green overalls, but she had brown shorts and grey boots, similar to the brown ones Nichole saw last night. The tagline said, "MEET SALLY!" "...I can't help but feel like I've seen this character before." Nichole thought. She yawned. She's been up for hours, she might as well get shut-eye. She turned off the computer and went to bed.

The Pal Percy sat on the desk, before flickering to life. An Eye formed on its screen as it looked around. It began to shuffle a bit before launching into something. The Something was the Dormant Percy Poodle's Chest. The animatronic began to shake as laughter echoed from the animatronic. The eyes popped out as the smile grew wider and wires began to wrap around the animatronic. It got up and made a beeline for the viewer.

Nichole quickly got up, hearing her alarm again. 11:30 PM. The final Shift. "Let's do this." Nichole thought. She went to her car and drove to Percy's.

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