Friday: Shift Finale

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Nichole pulled up to Percy's Playhouse, on Friday at midnight sharp. It was her last night here. Despite everything, despite being harassed by the animatronic mascots...She enjoyed her time here. It felt...oddly nostalgic She was gonna miss the place when it goes down. Nevertheless, it was time for one last shift at Percy's, Let's do this.

Nichole walked into her office, and her Pal Percy looked the same as yesterday, but the mouth was opened slightly wider. If you looked close enough, you could swear there was something in it. Regardless, it was still a toy...for now. I mean, what? Nichole switched to the Radar camera and began messing with the Pal Percy. But...the more she played, the more creepy and weird the sprite got. At one point its mouth opened so wide, that a large eye was seen...the same eye from her dreams. It even blinked at some points. "What the hell is wrong with this thing?" Nichole thought. But the Pal Percy wasn't the only thing wrong tonight. Everyone else seemed a lot more active than before. Percy, instead of slowly walking to the door, ran for the door on more than one occasion. Even when Nichole held it shut, Percy seemed to be slamming his whole body weight against the door. As if he was angry. Farmer Felix walked through the hall like normal, but his eye color switched mid-walk, and Nichole had to quickly change her answer. The Playful Poodles weren't letting up either. Tot was holding the door open a bit wider, and it was harder to push her back. Tat switched cameras instead of staying in one. Nothing really to say about Tim, since he didn't really impact her. The Radar malfunctioned and didn't let Nichole know when Rowen was in a camera. She just happened to see him while looking for Tat and shocked him just in time. The only ones who seemed slightly normal were Charlie Cat and Mother Moose, but their heads were shaking and they seemed to look at her with intensity. She checked the time. 5:55 AM. Almost done. But something went wrong. Percy sprinted for the door, and before Nichole could close it in time, he burst through the door and stared. Rowen also got through Nichole's defenses and popped out of the comically large trashcan. Charlie Cat and Mother Moose came out of the vents. "No...No..Stay away!" Nichole yelled. Percy walked towards her, his fake toothy grin lifting to show the endoskeleton teeth underneath, but before he could strike...he stopped. His teeth snapped back to normal and he turned. Rowen did the same. So did Charlie Cat and Mother Moose. Then...Percy turned around and walked away. Charlie Cat and Mother Moose backed away into the Vent and Rowen dipped away into the trash can. "What...What's going-" But before Nichole could say anything, her watch began beeping. 6:00AM. "Oh! Thank god I'm done!" Nichole shouted. She got up and was walking towards the exit..when she got a phone call. It was her boss. John. "Hey, John," Nichole said. "Hey Nichole, I got your message from Wednesday. I wanted to let you know that I thought the animatronics weren't going to be an issue, in fact, someone came in a few days ago and fully repaired them." John said. "Oh," Nichole said. "Everyone was repaired, except for Percy Poodle. Do you mind taking a look at him before you leave? Just so I know he won't be causing any trouble. I would really appreciate it, he's too important to be breaking like this." John stated. Nichole sighed. "...Fine, I'll go take a quick look at him." Nichole said. "Thanks, I'll call you again when I'm at Percy's Playhouse." John said. Nichole sighed and turned back around.

Welp. Here he is. Sitting right in front of her was Percy Poodle. He looked..unnerving. Like before, it felt like someone was watching her behind those eyes. "Let's just do this, you're creeping me out," Nichole said. Percy didn't say anything and just stared right at her. Nichole unlocked Percy's Collar and removed it, placing it on the side of the table, before unzipping his stomach hatch, and opening it to reveal all the inner workings of the animatronic. She had to get to the third layer of Percy's Battery to shut it off. She first turned the nobs til they matched the color of the wires. She did it a couple of times before she moved on to the second layer. She had to press some buttons as they flickered green three times. After she did this was the last one. For this, she had to flip the switches on to add power. Occasionally they flipped off, but it was no problem, she just had to flip them on again. Once she did it, the battery hatch closed a victory jingle played. She was done....but...wait...oh...that's not right. Percy's Battery is smoking. "Oh! Not now!" Nichole said. That's when her phone rang again, it was John again. He must have made it to Percy's Playhouse. "Hey Nichole, what's the hold-up? You were supposed to be here right after you finished repairing Percy." John said. "Yeah, Yeah, I know..He had a malfunction, his battery failed, and it's even smoking! I can't find a spare around here anywhere, I don't know what to do." Nichole shouted. John was surprised. "Oh. That does sound bad...Well, try to find a replacement battery, or even a substitute one, that could work as well!" John suggested. Nichole was uncertain, however. "But Wouldn't-" Nichole began to say, but John cut her off. "I'm sure you'll find something regardless, I'll meet you outside once you're done!" John said. "Wait, But-" Nichole began to say, but John hung up. Nichole just stared at Percy, who stared back, as if saying "Well? What are you going to do?" "Where on earth am I gonna find a spare battery?" Nichole asked herself. Just then, her Pal Percy began Beeping. "Can that stupid thing be quiet already?! I swear if I hear that damn beep one more time-" Nichole said, but then she stopped. She had a realization. "I can't find a spare battery, but he DID say a substitute could work, right? I wonder.." Nichole thought. She had an Idea. She took out the smoking battery and took out her Pal Percy which was still beeping. She looked at it. The Eye looked back at her as if saying "Do it. Do it Nichole." She placed the Pal Percy into Percy's chest. The eye looked at her, before going black for a few seconds. Before... "SUBSTITUE ACCEPTED."

The End

Written by TheOneWithDoggo

Playtime with Percy By Fazie Funbear

Showtime with Percy Title Idea by ginumo

Showtime with Percy by TheOneWithDoggo


Substitute Accepted....

Processing Data....

Transferring Data....






G E T B A C K H E R E .

The Credits are ripped away as we are thrown right back into the action, wires are wrapped around Percy as the Pal Percy has the Text "TRANSFER COMPLETE". Nichole stumbles back in fear. The screen on the Pal Percy goes green and wires begin to slowly sprout out of it. A face is shown, and it looked normal at first, laughing, before it became one of manic, cackling with glee. "IT SHOWTIME, NICHOLE!!!" PAL Yelled. 

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