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Nichole sprinted through the Playhouse in fear as wires and tendrils pierced the walls, in an attempt to grab her. She ran into a random room and stopped, catching her breath. “...What…WHAT THE F**K WAS THAT?! Thank goodness I got out of there and…” But Nichole stopped. She didn’t even realize where she was. “Where even AM I? It’s too dark to see anything.” Nichole said. She began to feel around, eventually feeling something on the wall. “I think I can feel something, almost like a-” Right as she said it, she accidentally flicked the lights on. She…was in the storage room of Percy’s Playhouse. A lot remained back here. Props, Toys, Games, Memorabilia, you name it, it was back here. “..I’m…I’m in the storage room? I guess that explains why it was so dark.” Nichole said. Just then, she heard a small yip. She looked around. “Hello? Is anyone here? Come out!” Nichole yelled frantically. The entity whined. It sounded like a dog. She heard light plastic footsteps and saw it…It was… Oh! It was TamaDoggy, a robotic toy dog based on toys like Tekno and Idog, It had a green screen face, with a little dog face on it, with two grey fluffy ears. It had a red dog collar with the words “MUNCHI” on it. It had a second screen on its chest, with 3 buttons similar to Pal’s, and the default on screen was a dog bone. It had a springy waging tail too. It walked over to Nichole, its tail in between its legs. “Oh, my word. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know it was you!” Nichole said. TamaMunchi Perked up and barked, its tail wagging. It ran up to Nichole and nuzzled her. “Aww, good dog,” Nichole said. Nichole was petting it, when she heard a roar come from the RatCade, it even scared TamaMunchi, who hid behind Nichole. “Whatever that…thing is, I have to shut it down somehow. There has to be something around to help… Munchi!” Nichole asked. The Dog’s face turned into a question mark. “Can you find me something to help me shut down that thing?” Nichole asked. Munchi’s face turned back into the dog face as it nodded and yipped, sprinting away before looking and a box and barking again. Nichole got up and Picked up something. A Pal Tablet. It was an early model for the Pal Percy, but it was too big and so was scrapped. It happened to be charged and ready to go. It had two eyes on the top too. “Oh sweet, a Pal Tablet. This could work.” Nichole said. TamaMunchi nudged her, as she looked down, she noticed he found a backup Palboy. “This will work to check the cameras for that thing,” Nichole stated. She turned on the Pal Tablet, only to be greeted with a message. “HELLO. I’VE BEEN WATCHING YOU FOR A LONG TIME AND CAME TO A DECISION. IT IS NOT YOUR TIME YET. I WILL HELP YOU. YOUR PAL-TABLET IS HOOKED UP TO THE POWER, HOW LUCKY HUH?  EVERYTIME THE BAR IS FILLED TO 25, A CHARGE WILL BE GIVEN. DO THIS FIVE TIMES TO STOP PAL. GET USED TO YOUR THREE NEW TASKS. THIS IS THE ONLY TIME I WILL BE HELPING YOU, GOOD LUCK.” The text said. It disappeared shortly after. “What was that?” Nichole asked. TamaMunchi tilted its head, even the toy didn’t know. On-screen showed a sprite of a poodle. It was different than the Percy one on the Standard Pal Percy. It looked like Sally, the animatronic Poodle Nichole looked up a few hours Prior. There were three buttons. Nichole pressed the one in the middle first. It was a maze game, the way it worked was that she had to move her finger to guide the ball and get out of the maze. She did just that, and 2 points were added to the bar. Next up was the one on the left. She pressed that one and it took her to a match-the-shapes game. The way it worked is that she had to match the shapes, she could select which one to do first. It was the simplest and only gave her one Point. Now she was at three. The last one was a fishing game. The way it worked was that she could select one of the three fish and hold her finger down and the hook would go down and get one, she had to catch fish multiple times. It was the most, giving 3 points. She was now at 6 points. Now, it's time for the real fun. Nichole was halfway through the games when TamaMunchi began barking. “What is it?” Nichole asked. She looked up and noticed two cartoony eyes on the TV screens. “...Pal is moving.” She said. She put down the Pal-Tablet and jumped onto her Pal-Boy, quickly finding Pal gone from the Ratcade, she checked the four other cameras, before finding him in Yellow Crafts. The now HEAVILY Damaged and Altered Percy Poodle stood to the side as Pal Percy reached from the chest, with a ball on his screen. At first, Nichole didn’t understand what he meant but then he put two and two together. She searched through the cameras before quickly finding a ball sprite on the Green Playroom Camera. Once she pressed that, Pal was satisfied. She switched back to the Ratcade camera, to see Pal in his full glory. Percy Poodle was no more, Pal had COMPLETLY taken over. Percy had wires all over him, his eyes were gone and his fake teeth were completely gone, showing two green eyes and a smile glowing in Percy’s Mouth. Percy’s Latex mask got more grey. Percy had his collar back on, but instead of it saying P, or Percy, it said “PAL”. Percy’s chest was burst open, housing the Pal Percy inside of it. His once ball Bracelets became Spiked Bracelets and he had claws to boot. His feet morphed into monstrous claws. TamaMunchi began to bark, this time at the Pal-Tablet. Nichole looked down at it, to see the eyes poked up, connected to veins and an Arm with a yellow streak at the end. “Jesus! Not even this is friendly!” Nichole said. She completed a few tasks, which seemed to reverse the process. When she got to 25, a thumbs-up showed up on screen, before text appeared. “PHASE 2 WILL BEGIN SHORTLY. BE PREPARED.” The text said. Nichole sighed. “Well Munchi, looks like it's gonna be a while.” Nichole said. Munchi whined, before barking, standing upright and running in front of Nichole, ready to protect. “Thanks, boy, if we get out of his alive, I’ll take you with me.” Nichole said. Munchi’s tail began to wag. Now it had more of a reason to protect Nichole.

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