Some Tension and a Threat

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Marinette paced nervously back and forth outside the entrance to the conference room. Although she had been hard at work and accomplished what was needed, her stomach still felt uneasy about whether or not Gabriel Agreste would be pleased with the results. 

     While she’d hate to admit it, Marinette was thankful that it was Adrien, not Louis, who she was working with. She and Adrien have done this sort of thing years ago when planning the school dance. Such a pity that neither of them had shown up to that one, both not wanting to see the other. 

     “Oh, good! You’re here! I was worried you’d be late, per usual,” Adrien said, walking toward her. 

     “Nice of you to show up,” she commented, rolling her eyes playfully. “And for the record, I’m not always late.”

     He smiled back at her. “Yes, I’m sure you have your moments. Shall we go in?” Marinette smoothed her dark pink A-lined skirt and absentmindedly twirled her curled locks around her forefinger. 

     “Let’s get this over with,” she sighed. 

     Adrien placed a hand on her shoulder, looking into her dazzling bluebell eyes. “Hey, it’ll be alright. I know my father will be impressed with what we have, especially your designs.” He chuckled. “I hate to admit it, but you’ve never lost the skill to create something that’s both breath-taking and practical…like you.”

     A soft gasp came from her slightly parted lips.

     “Let’s go,” Marinette managed to say, opening the door to find Gabriel had not yet arrived. Her shoulders immediately relaxed until she remembered who was with her. And what he just said.

     He just called you breath-taking and practical…

     Marinette’s smile dissipated into a panicked expression. Adrien Agreste just called me breath-taking and practical! Oh no…He cannot be falling for me again. I’m with Luka and plus he’s a conceited jerk. He’s never truly loved me and never will.

     Adrien watched Marinette have her little meltdown as he had his own. He could tell that what he said made her uncomfortable and almost wished he could turn it back into their old animosity. 

     Why did you even say that? She hates you!

     “Adrien, you can’t say that kind of stuff to me,” she blurted. “I know you have no interest in me like that, not truly. Besides…I’m engaged. Or might be, anyways. I haven’t decided yet.”

       Adrien whipped his head around to face her. “What?”

      “On Friday, Luka proposed. I told him I’d give him an answer after the gala is done and over with. Not that it’s any of your business,” Marinette retorted. 

     And…we’re back to being hostile. I never should’ve let her go on that date Friday night. This is what you get for trying to be nice. Way to go, Agreste. 

     “Well, I’ll be darn. Someone actually wants to marry you.”

      “Excuse me?”

       “I can't believe I thought about marrying you someday.” Adrien's face flushed. “I'm trying, I've been trying to understand what your problem is, how I could be the perfect guy, but no, Marinette doesn't pay attention to the details, only what directly affects her.”

     “I'm not the selfish one here!”

      "I don't understand why you can't take a compliment. It's always been like this, you not accepting things, and me trying to convince you otherwise. You're worth more than you think, why don't you listen to me for once?"

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