chapter 17

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One by one everyone come out from dae and lisa chamber. Now only jungkook, taehyung and lisa was in chamber.

Jungkook look toward taehyung and walk towards him he kiss taehyung on head and said"you can go in our chamber, tonight i will stay with dae"

"I Don't want to leave dae alone can i also stay in this chamber i will not Disturb you my king" taehyung said.

Jungkook toward lisa who was looking at dae and said"lisa is not in her mind i Don't want her to say something to you which make me angry "jungkook said.

"He can live here dae will be happy to see him"lisa said but still looking at dae.

Taehyung look at jungkook who nod his head. Taehyung sit on opposite side of lisa and kiss dae head.

Jungkook sit on one couch and look at lisa,dae and taehyung.

Midnight taehyung wake up when he feel movement beside him.he see that dae is trying to wake lisa.

"Kook" taehyung call jungkook and jungkook immediately wake up and walk towards bed.

Lisa also wakeup hearing taehyung voice and see that dae is wake up.

Lisa hug dae and start crying. Jungkook walk towards dae and lisa and hug them. Jungkook see taehyung and sign him come toward them. Taehyung also go toward them and jungkook hug him.

After sometime they all sit on bed dae sit on jungkook lap.

"Dae my Princes will you tell me if i ask you something "jungkook ask and dae nod hhis head.

"What did you eat before sleeping "jungkook ask to dae.

Dae make thinking face which brought smile on jungkook, taehyung and lisa face.

"Granny give me some candy "dae said.

"Which granny baby"lisa ask.

"Taetae told me to call his mother father granny grandpa"dae told innocently.

Lisa stop asking further because she know where this conversation is going. Taehyung look at jungkook who has no emotions on his face and that make taehyung scared.

They all hear noise frome outside. Taehyung run outside the chamber when he hear his mother screem. Lisa also run with him. Jungkook told some maid to take care of dae go behind taehyung and lisa.

When taehyung reach the place from where noises were coming.he see mrs jeon (second) push his mother on ground and some guards are beating his father. He run towards his father for stoping guard but one of them push taehyung which make his fell on ground. Jin and jimin help taehyung to stand up.

Meanwhile jungkook also come and scene infront of him make him angry he see how they push taehyung.

"STOP" jungkook said everyone get scared when they see jungkook red eyes.

He go toward that guard who push taehyung start beating him"take him and lock him in basement "he order one of his personal guard who bow and take that guard.

"What is happening here and who give you permission to behave this way with my guest" jungkook ask to everyone.

Taehyung go toward his father and help him to stand up.

" i did this If i tell you the truth you will also do the same with them"mrs jeon(second )said angerly

"Mother please tell me why you did this" jungkook ask politely.

"They give poison to dae "mrs jeon(second) said while looking at taehyung.

"No no my king believe us we don't even know Princes dae is not well" taehyung mother kneel down infront of jungkook. Mrs jeon(second) walk towards her and slap her.

Taehyung make his father sit on ground and run toward mrs jeon(second) and join his hand" please don't hurt my mother father they don't know anything Please believe me".

Mrs jeon(second)was about to speak when jungkook ask" Mother do you have my evidence that taehyung parents did something like that".

"This is your influence on my son you low life that he don't even believe his mother words" mrs jeon(second)told to taehyung.

"And yes i have evidence for that because i know my own son will not believe me come outside "mrs jeon(second) told and one servant come toward them and bow. Mrs jeon told him tell everything.

"They come to me tomorrow and told me to give poison to Prince dae and they also promise me that when their son will give birth to Prince and will become queen of this kingdon they will give me higher place in this Palace."he told them and kneel down. "Please punish me my king i did bery big mistake"he told emotionless.

Taehyung father come toward him and join his hand" please do not speak which we didn't even told you our son whole life will be in danger because of this "he speak while cry.

Taehyung see that jungkook is not saying anything he walk toward jungkook and told him "please do something my king this is not right Please stop them my king" taehyung speak while crying.

Jungkook look at taehyung and speak "take mrs and mr kin to basement" jungkook told.

"Jungkook don't do this"namjoon told.

"I know hyung what I'm doing" jungkook said and look at taehyung who were looking at him with tear in his eyes"trust me my precious nothing will happen wrong "jungkook told to taehyung.

Taehyung back way from jungkook and look at guard who were taking his parents to basement."wait i will also go with parents "taehyung said while looking at jungkook.

"Taehyung what are you doing "jungkook said while taking taehyung in hug.

Taehyung back way from hug and said"you did your job my king as a king and now let me do my job as a son of my parents "taehyung said and his remove accessories and give to lisa and walk with his parents.

Mrs jeon(second left while smiling toward her chamber.

To be continued........

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