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A week had passed.

In just a week, Yeosang's life had transformed in ways he never thought possible. From the harsh streets of Utopia to the safety of San's home, he felt like he was living in a dream. Seonghwa's presence had been a blessing, offering companionship and support to the omega during this critical time.

Seonghwa's warm and welcoming demeanor made it easy for Yeosang to open up and feel at ease in San's home. Much like San, Seonghwa's acts of service were a testament to his caring nature. He took on tasks like cooking, cleaning, and caring for Yeosang and Jongho with genuine kindness.

Every day, Seonghwa would arrive at the house with thoughtful gifts for Jongho, leaving Yeosang touched by his generosity. One day, he even went the extra mile by providing suppressants for Yeosang, recognizing the potential risk of San's dominant alpha pheromones triggering an unexpected heat. This act of foresight and care demonstrated Seonghwa's deep concern for Yeosang's well-being, especially given his delicate health situation after giving birth.

The thought of what could have happened if Yeosang had experienced a heat in San's house, where an omega hadn't been present before, was a sobering realization for both San and Yeosang. They were grateful for Seonghwa's quick thinking and compassion, which helped ensure a safe and comfortable environment for Yeosang and Jongho during this critical period of adjustment.

Officer Kim's peculiar behavior didn't go unnoticed by Yeosang and Seonghwa. They observed his routine of driving off shortly after San left for work, only to return early in the evening and park in the same spot without leaving the car. Despite the oddity of the situation, they chose to focus on enjoying the pleasant early spring weather during San's absence.

In the tranquil moments of the late evening, Yeosang and Seonghwa found solace in spending time together on the veranda. They would sip tea, engage in casual conversation, and marvel at the beauty of the sunset. With Jongho peacefully settled in a rocking chair, they patiently awaited San's return from work.

During these moments, Yeosang discovered more about Seonghwa's background. Despite attending the same high school as San, they pursued different majors. While San focused on strategic development, Seonghwa pursued literature, a choice that ultimately led him to become the famous writer he is today.


San sighed, straightening his tie as he prepared for another day at work. Sitting quietly on the couch, he couldn't shake the desire to see Yeosang before heading to the company. Perhaps Jongho had kept the omega up late the night before, explaining why Yeosang was still asleep. While he wasn't complaining about Yeosang's rest, he found himself longing to catch a glimpse of him before starting his day, for unknown reasons.

Despite sharing the same house, San found it challenging to spend quality time with Yeosang. Often, Yeosang would rise early, quietly occupying the living room until Seonghwa's arrival. Despite the lack of verbal communication, the serene atmosphere they shared spoke volumes. It was comfortable, and it was enough.

Upon returning home in the evening, the alpha has always been greeted by the heartwarming sight of Yeosang, Seonghwa, and Jongho waiting for him on the veranda. Despite being hesitant to grow accustomed to this welcoming scene, it had already found a special place in San's heart and memories, ignoring the fact that it'd always be watched by a certain alpha officer every time.

Speaking about Yeosang and Jongho, that day, as San had promised, he returned home with a contract they had both agreed upon. This contract safeguarded Yeosang's rights, ensuring he could live in San's house without fear of intrusion or harm, and allowing him the freedom to work and socialize as he pleased, all under the alpha's protection. However, there was one clause that gave Yeosang pause: even if he were to mate with another alpha, Jongho would legally remain San's son, and the alpha would continue to care for him.

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