RIP Sanie 🐾

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Obviously this is not an update I'm so sorry for the disappointment I'm just tryna rant about the past few weeks cause they've been the most challenging EVER!

So I live with my sis right and both of our cats fell ill simultaneously. Her cat, Tiger, appeared to have been poisoned by our neighbors, while my cat, San, initially showed symptoms of a cold. Unfortunately, it turned out to be oral cancer. Over the course of two weeks, San rapidly lost all his weight and showed no signs of improvement, despite my diligent care for both him and Tiger.

Long story short, I'm currently unemployed, and the veterinary bills are overwhelming. Imagine the helplessness of watching your beloved pet, your "son," die right before your eyes. I can only hope he is happy and free from pain wherever he is now. I lost him to cancer after having him for just two and a half years.

What's even sadder is that he was my sole source of comfort and companionship while I was grieving the loss of my mother to cancer. Cancer has taken so much from me, and I just feel completely devastated.

I'm tired, and I'm just...really hanging in there because at least Tiger survived, and he needs me during his recovery journey.

Sorry, there was a lot of weight I needed to get off my chest.

To all cancer fighters, pet owners who have lost a piece of their heart, and people who have lost family and dear ones but are still going strong-you're doing amazing, and I'm so proud of you.

I just hope I can stop blaming myself for being unable to help both my mom and cat. It's hard to have a daily routine without their presence and it's even harder to move on...

Mom, Sanie I hope you're in a happy place. I'm so sorry 💔..

Also, unfortunately there won't be any updates for the time being it's only been a few days since I lost Sanie and I'm still in a state of shock. Thank you for understanding <33

Have a great time wherever you are, and don't forget to cherish your moments with your loved ones.

Take care 💌


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 22 ⏰

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